Pics from PA poultry shows last weekend - Mostly Call ducks


5 Years
Apr 19, 2014
West Chester, PA, USA
A couple of people who couldn't make either show asked me to take some pics. They are here--> in the Lebanon and Bloomsburg folders. About 95% of them are Call ducks, but there are a few others, including videos of Runners. My chicken-hating hubby even took a pic of a Silkie hen, so being that close to her must not have traumatized him like being near chickens typically does

Yes, it was great fun, best weekend we've had in a long time. Runners were judged in the cages at the first show, but they did ring judging in the second one. That was really neat since neither of us had ever seen Runners in real life before, and you don't get anywhere near the full effect if they're just standing in a cage. The hubby was fascinated with them but said he would never want us to own any. When I asked why not, he said, "I don't know. Seeing those things walking around in the yard would creep me out." LOL.
Having raised them from childhood, I kinda can't blame him. But who can resist a silkie? They look like muppets!

I think you're right about the "who can resist" part. I'm pretty sure the reason he took a liking to it is that he didn't realize it was a chicken. The first thing he said when we came to the first cage in the Silkie section was, "What is that thing?"

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