Sick chicken help please.


5 Years
Oct 6, 2014
Hey everyone my chicken who seems like pulley to me has started to slow down. She usually is up and wandering being a chicken but she has just started to sit around and now has tail down. She does seem a bit lighter. Here are some pictures can someone please help. I have given electrolytes and vitamins I don't know if enough.



She has her tail down I have noticed sometimes when she shook her hair a little bit of water came out from somewhere maybe nose or?

I'm no expert but her crop seems to be overly large. I haven't experienced it myself but it might be sour crop. Is she eating? Check her crop first thing on a morning and if it hasn't gone down and she is not eating then I think that may be what it is. If you do a search on "sour crop" you will hopefully find the best way to treat her, or perhaps someone with more experience will be along shortly to advise you better.

Hope you are able to make her better soon.


I'm no expert but her crop seems to be overly large. I haven't experienced it myself but it might be sour crop. Is she eating? Check her crop first thing on a morning and if it hasn't gone down and she is not eating then I think that may be what it is. If you do a search on "sour crop" you will hopefully find the best way to treat her, or perhaps someone with more experience will be along shortly to advise you better.

Hope you are able to make her better soon.


Thanks for your reply. Taking the pictures I sort of did notice her crop big. And this morning I do not think she ate much. Thanks I will loom into the sour crop

I'm no expert but her crop seems to be overly large. I haven't experienced it myself but it might be sour crop. Is she eating? Check her crop first thing on a morning and if it hasn't gone down and she is not eating then I think that may be what it is. If you do a search on "sour crop" you will hopefully find the best way to treat her, or perhaps someone with more experience will be along shortly to advise you better.

Hope you are able to make her better soon.


Not sure if know but she pecks at the sand/ dirt a lot is there something's she's trying to do. It's like she's wanting the dirt
Hi again

I wonder if she is after grit to help break things down. Do you supply them with grit or do they free range? Hens need grit to break down their food because they don't have teeth to chew with like we do. If they free range then they can usually find enough grit themselves but it doesn't harm to supply them with some so that they don't go short. My mother used to smash up old crockery with a hammer and give that to her hens. I've tried it and mine are certainly keen on it even though they free range in an old farm yard.

I think you need to help her to empty that crop before anything more goes into it though. Does her breath smell bad?
Hi again

I wonder if she is after grit to help break things down. Do you supply them with grit or do they free range? Hens need grit to break down their food because they don't have teeth to chew with like we do. If they free range then they can usually find enough grit themselves but it doesn't harm to supply them with some so that they don't go short. My mother used to smash up old crockery with a hammer and give that to her hens. I've tried it and mine are certainly keen on it even though they free range in an old farm yard. 

I think you need to help her to empty that crop before anything more goes into it though. Does her breath smell bad?

I was thinking that's what she may be trying. I was going to head to the store right now to get de worm just in case and something for there respiratory health because she shook here head I saw little water come out maybe from nose? Not sure. Should I just open her beak and smell?
If her system is blocked then the dewormer will not get through and you will be wasting your money and causing her more discomfort trying to get it into her. The liquid coming from her when she shook her head may just be fluids stuck in her crop.
You need to establish if her crop is impacted. What does it feel like compared to your other hens? I did recently read about someone with sour crop who was advised to hold the chicken upside down for short spells so that the contents of the crop emptied out of her mouth, but I'm pretty sure this is dangerous so don't do it unless you know what you are doing or the hen is dying anyway. Of course I may be wrong and it may not be sour crop. If the crop is not emptying overnight then it suggests that is the problem, so you need to take special note of that. Feel it tonight and then again in the morning.
I think if you can get some probiotic yoghurt into her that might be helpful, but you need to know that her crop is emptying first.

Hopefully someone with more experience will be along soon to give you more accurate advice because I am just recalling snippets that I have read on the forum from other people's posts.

Best of luck

Last edited:
Mike 10 I think your pullet could possibly have coccidiosis. She has the classic "puffed up" posture they get. Other symptoms are poor appetite, weakness, ruffled feather, and diarrhea with or without blood. Treatment is Corid or amprollium (from the cattle medicine section of feed stores) in the water. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days. Get it right away, and if she is not drinking give her some with a dropper. The liquid can be given undiluted 2 drops now and 2 drops tomorrow. After 5-7 days, give them probiotics and vitamins in the water. Treat all birds.

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