Ventilation Help! **pictures included**


5 Years
Jun 14, 2014
Westmont, Illinois
Ok, I've been reading a bunch of threads on ventilation and I see that 1square per chicken is necessary but I have a very small coop so I can't see how that is possible. I have 3 girls that share one perch. In the one picture they are facing the small window, it's made of plexiglass and it caulked in there. Above that there is an opening that has hardware cloth on it. I was worried that would create a draft so I attached a piece of wood to the outside of the coop at a 45degree with the wide part of that angle up allowing the humid air to escape but the keep the wind out.

To the left of them is the attached run which is covered with plastic. The pop door is almost under them and I've been leaving that open. Above the door there is a 4inch by 10inch open section for ventilation. The humidity has been up to 68% the last 2 nights with a temp of 45 degree. I can't figure out where to add more and keep the draft out.
I'll attach pictures form my phone in a minute.

Please help!
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This is the wall behind them, that window is covered with plexiglass as well that I put in for winter. Could I do something with that window that would not cause a draft?
In the first picture, to the left of the birds, it looks like just hardware cloth. I'll assume that that will be closed off normally.

I have basically the same size coop, and I'm getting a thermometer with hygrometer to ensure I don't get it too humid in there. (I suppose that is the only way to know for sure due to all the variables involved). I'm venting out of the top right now, but the vent area is mostly covered by a tin roof, so there shouldn't be any draft. It kinda looks like rain can blow in your vent, so maybe something should cover it a little bit.
Thanks, the hardware cloth opens to the run so my plan was to leave that open since the run is almost completed closed in with plastic. I am SHOCKED my humidity is so high especially with the size of the 2 openings I have but people on here are not kidding! Chickens and their poop put off a lot of moisture!
Is the run fully wrapped with plastic? If so only wrap the lower section, leave a foot or two on top unwrapped, as a full wrap will trap humidity all around the coop...

Also you might want to consider a roof vent or two...


Notice the added board (in black) that I suggest, space this off the roof about 1" and make it about 3" bigger then the vent opening, this will prevent and down draft from directly hitting the chickens and will send and down draft across the roof...
Is the run fully wrapped with plastic? If so only wrap the lower section, leave a foot or two on top unwrapped, as a full wrap will trap humidity all around the coop...

Also you might want to consider a roof vent or two...


Notice the added board (in black) that I suggest, space this off the roof about 1" and make it about 3" bigger then the vent opening, this will prevent and down draft from directly hitting the chickens and will send and down draft across the roof...

Thanks MeepBeep, this might be a stupid question but how do I leave the 1"inch gap? Use long screws and not tighten them all the way? I left like 6" on the top unwrapped around the run, I was worried about a draft coming from the run into the coop. I'll look at lowering it
The easy way is get 1" stand offs (aka spacers), and yes use longer screws... You should be able to get them at any hardware store..."+spacers

But, as you can see although not bank breaking they are a little costly...

I generally make my own spacers, I get the plastic sink/toilet supply lines like the one bellow and simply cut it to length to make spacers, you can easily cut this with a carpenters knife or razor...

Another option is to just make some out of wood, using say a 1" cube of wood with a hole drilled in it... Or if you have any small diameter pipe laying around you can cut that to 1" length...

Or if you want the near brainless way to do something similar get two roof vents and put on outside and one inside...


Also the 1" is no crucial it was just a suggested gap...

This is the wall behind them, that window is covered with plexiglass as well that I put in for winter. Could I do something with that window that would not cause a draft?
From what I can tell, the roof slopes down toward the run. You said there was an opening from the run to the coop, right? Is the opening at the top of the wall that faces the run or bottom? What direction is opposite the run? Does that side face into your prevailing winter wind?

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