Muscovy duck bite roosters comb?


5 Years
Oct 7, 2014
Hello. So in my flock is 51 chickens, 2 of them is muscovy pair, and 5 of them all is roosters.
Yesterday, glad I came right in time when chickens was going to roost, cuz my beta rooster had biten off a comb in two places, one triangle in front, and a back of comb, a little piece. But that bloody mess was terrible.
I dont fault my alpha rooster, I rather think It could be a drake.
Alpha rooster is 1 year old
This victim is 9 months.
And I had three brothers, 7 months of age, but they all under him in peckin order, but when he is mating, one of them is attacking, and then runing away, RIR blooded.
Im just wondering, mby it was a drake, never saw drake watching with bad eye on him, but today he walked after him for a bit. I didnt let them out freerange yesterday cuz of bad time. Ducks peck others when they come close to them. And I dont know how other cun bite his comb in two places, Im just think drake was hanging on his back and biting. Or smth like this. Yesterday I watch for blood on other roosters, but I dont find anything, about drake I only imagine today.
P.S, victim is the one on my avatar.

Guess noone want to see the photo of yesterday bloody mess. This is day after.
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Hello. So in my flock is 51 chickens, 2 of them is muscovy pair, and 5 of them all is roosters. Yesterday, glad I came right in time when chickens was going to roost, cuz my beta rooster had biten off a comb in two places, one triangle in front, and a back of comb, a little piece. But that bloody mess was terrible. I dont fault my alpha rooster, I rather think It could be a drake. Alpha rooster is 1 year old This victim is 9 months. And I had three brothers, 7 months of age, but they all under him in peckin order, but when he is mating, one of them is attacking, and then runing away, RIR blooded. Im just wondering, mby it was a drake, never saw drake watching with bad eye on him, but today he walked after him for a bit. I didnt let them out freerange yesterday cuz of bad time. Ducks peck others when they come close to them. And I dont know how other cun bite his comb in two places, Im just think drake was hanging on his back and biting. Or smth like this. Yesterday I watch for blood on other roosters, but I dont find anything, about drake I only imagine today. Opinions? P.S, victim is the one on my avatar. Guess noone want to see the photo of yesterday bloody mess. This is day after.
Definitely clean it up with vetercyn, muscovies are super lovable and docile towards other animals except if the animals antiganize them first, your rooster probably provoked a fight Also to help stop bleeding use cornstarch on the affected area I would seperate the flock for a while and let everything cool down
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Definitely clean it up with vetercyn, muscovies are super lovable and docile towards other animals except if the animals antiganize them first, your rooster probably provoked a fight

Also to help stop bleeding use cornstarch on the affected area I would seperate the flock for a while and let everything cool down
My guess is, he fall from his roost to ground, next or even on ducks, cuz ducks roost on ground under chicken roost. When someone jumps next to ducks, ducks always try to peck.
I used iodium first, and then spray blue cote. So comb is alright, everything else is going to clean with few days by self. Or you think iI need to wash him clean?

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