
  1. Mylanvy

    Rooster Attacks Only Legs?

    Hello, We recently took in a 6 month old Housman rooster maybe 2-3 weeks ago and he has it out for our legs. He will attack and peck our toes and legs like they are personally offending him. The weird thing is, if I squat down or sit on the ground he will graze and hang out like we are buddies...
  2. LaurenMox

    My female turkey brutally attacked my male turkey

    I have two turkeys, one male one female, and are both very friendly and docile. They've pecked at each other but nothing too serious . Today when I went out the females beak was covered in blood and the male turkey's snood was ripped open and he had blood all over his face. What caused this...
  3. Goblingchickenfather

    Chicken wont stop charging at me and trying to bite my feet.

    It's been going on awhile. I'll be walking by our chicken and she'll either be fine or she'll make a charge at me and nip my foot. She has broken skin several times. She doesn't do this to my partner at all. Though she has had attitude problems before but is generally good and we can both pick...
  4. allyinwonderland

    Cornish X Fighting

    Hi! I am hopeful someone can help me with a situation I had to deal with tonight. This is my first flock in a very long time. I have 18 chickens and 14 ducks integrated. Most of the chickens are 4 months old with threw Jersey Giants and one RIR about 3 months old. Everybody gets along fine...
  5. N

    Duck bullies

    I have two female ducks and two female chickens and the ducks are very aggressive towards the chickens. It’s mostly the biggest duck picking on the smallest chicken. It’s been happening for a while but it used to be relatively tame, until recently she started pinning the other down and ripping...
  6. Cmiller1122

    Drakes Killing Eachother

    I see a lot of posts about drakes fighting eachother over mates, but barely any posts about my specific situation. My Peking drake was limping yesterday, and today my other two drakes (a khaki and a mallard/Rouen) were actively trying to kill him. I separated the Peking, but later found out that...
  7. jabou29

    New 3 month old Barny

    Hi all I just added a blue laced barnevelder pullet to my flock and I decided to get one because I’ve read that they are super docile but this one is super skittish and she pecks me(sadly I can’t return or exchange)… does anyone else have skittish ones or did I just get bad luck? I’m looking...
  8. N

    Aggressive hen out of nowhere

    Hello! One of my hens (RIR) out of nowhere decided to start attacking one of my other girls(silkie). Neither of them are at the top of the pecking order and the RIR is only aggressive to this one hen and not the others. I thought it would resolve after a day or so but it seems to be getting more...
  9. K

    Rooster is out of control.

    Quick back story: I’ve got 6 fairly large pullets (13 weeks) and a newly added rooster (adult, not sure on age), and soon will be adding a hen (she’s about 2). We have a lot of cats and hawks, so I’ve had suggestions to get a Roo, hence why he’s here. I do not mind a crow now and again, and I...
  10. EmilyD123

    Duck getting bullied after wrapping for angel wing

    I have an 8 week old duckling who has developed angel wing, I wrapped her with vet wrap to hold it in place but the other ducks are charging at her and won’t let her near them ( all females ) has anybody had this issue before? Would really like to take care of the angel wing without her getting...
  11. jabou29

    Hens attacking other hens

    Hi, I recently introduced my older hens to my 3 5 month old Wyandotte pullets and my 2 Ameraucana cockerel and pullet that are 4 months old and one of my older hens has accepted the 3 wyandottes but for some reason has it out for the 2 Ameraucanas. She’s pecking at them to the point where...
  12. S

    Jealousy over holding other hens?

    Hello, I have an odd situation. I have 4 barnevelder hens that just turned a year old. All are happy and laying, and are allowed to free range a couple hours daily. They get along rather well, despite the normal mild peck towards each other here and there. Before their first molt, only 2 of...
  13. TheBirdBabe

    Bachelor's Coop

    I have 3 bantam roos in their own coop. They've been there for a few months (previously separated from my 11 other chickens) & been doing fine. I hand feed them treats & even a slice of pizza now & then. lol However, lately there is one that has gotten aggressive towards me. Keep in mind, these...
  14. jk116

    Flock agression

    Hello- I’ve had backyard chickens going on about 8 years now. I’ve got 3 different ages in my flock but the last integration I did was about 2 or 3 years ago so nothing has really changed with my girls. Recently I had an australorpe go into molt and one day I noticed that the back of her head...
  15. luckysamara199

    Why is my rooster bitting my hens!?

    hi first id like to start by thank you for reading this and responding my question. So I have a 4 and half month old rooster. He is polish rooster I noticed he started bitting my hens heads and backs. They are also polish hens. Does anyone know why this is happening or how can I stop it? He...
  16. Bigbluefrog

    Rooster charging at me

    I have a one year old Buff Orpington. He has charged at me two times. Both times I was wearing red or pink. And both times a hen was squaking- in distress. It is our first rooster. We got him at 6 months. I was not able to hold him much as he was not hand raised. Someone said to hold the...
  17. W

    Adding new chickens plus transporting them to our home

    Hello everyone! 🐥 We currently have four sweet Bielefelder hens that we’ve raised since chicks. We have offered to adopt three Red Sex Link hens (these ones are Rhode Island Red / White Leghorn) from a friend who has too many eggs to manage. They are healthy, about 1.5 years old, which I know is...
  18. H

    comb pecking!

    I have a little flock of four pekin bantam hens. It’s coming up to a year we’ve had them. They have scraps, of course, and one of them (Belinda) is clearly at the bottom of the pecking order. Belinda was looking very sleepy this morning and had an upset tummy mess in her trousers so we brought...
  19. Backyard Dacks

    Rooster Admitting Defeat?

    Is it normal that upon being caught, realizing the game is over, and obediently sitting down a rooster will cause the feathers on the back of his neck to stick out? What does he mean by that- is it a sign of surrender?
  20. Sussexandwhiterocks

    Rooster keeps biting my hens. 4 month old Bantam black frizzle Cochin.

    Hello, I have a 4 month old bantam frizzle Cochin rooster mixed with my flock of 11 4-5 month old chickens and one other rooster that is extremely docile (standard breed size). Now the bantam bites the hens in the neck and tail area. My mother in law wants me to get rid of it but they’re my...
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