
  1. tacothechicken

    Sudden case of ascites?Help!!!

    Help! So recently my flock seemed to come down whith RI they were all medicated and treated and seemed to get better, but suddenly my leghorn hen appears to have fallen into a already sever case of ascites? Shes fluffed up as if cold and Her come has turned almost like a dark violet there seems...
  2. O

    Pullet very sick possibly ascites or born with defect

    Hi I'm very new to backyard chickens, a bit of history is I just moved from the city to a 5 acre property and found what I thought was a good deal on craigslist. A person wanting to sell a flock of 50 birds for $200, 3 adult roosters(they get along), 42 chickens and 5 baby chicks. My coop has 3...
  3. Pyxiqueen

    Impacted Gizzard or Heart Failure?

    I inherited my chickens with the house we bought so I have no background on Ginger Henny. She has had ascites for 2 months and I have drained 45-50cc's off of her twice in the last month to try to help her. I took her to the vet and she said it was probably heart disease. Her comb is not blue or...
  4. C


    hey everyone! I am new to owning chickens, I bought a few chicks last spring and so far raising chickens has been fun and fairly easy going, no major issues until today. I had a hen develop ascites and we put her down this morning. My problem is now that one girl has got it and passed away, I am...
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