
  1. S

    Duck attacked by raccoon

    A raccoon got in my duck pen and killed my youngest duck and injured my other male. They have been moved but I don’t know what to do, I’ve only sprayed him down with silver spray. What steps do I need to take? His eye seems to be gone, but the other side of his head wasn’t harmed. I haven’t seen...
  2. B

    Injured baby chick. What to do now?

    We had a hen go broody and we let her keep the eggs. Unfortunately they did not all hatch at the same time so once the first one become mobile she left the remaining eggs in the nest. She’s been a great mama raising her single chick. We opted to keep them with the flock and mama won’t let any of...
  3. kfsilver

    Fox Attack Questions

    A few days ago I was free ranging my ladies when a fox attacked. I happened to see the attack after two hens had been grabbed, but none dragged away. Based on the footage, it appears the fox grabbed and shook one hen, a New Hampshire Red, but then my Buckeye hen went and attacked the fox. The...
  4. Plant_Hoarder

    Severed toe tip, unsure what to do

    Hello, so I am back because I had ANOTHER predator get at my chickens about 3 days ago :he The only ones in the crossfire were my two young brahma hens. One is now missing, and this one sustained only an injury to the toe. She somehow managed to sever the skin and muscle around the toe ( I'm...
  5. D

    Rat pack attack, Duck Might be dying, Please Help

    Hi all, I have a pair of ducks in an outdoor enclosure with some chickens. One of the ducks got cut on a piece of metal in the coop. We set him up in a nice warm spot, gave him a heatlamp and tried to make him cozy to recover. I set up a camera so I could keep an eye on him. The second night...
  6. Preston Family Farm

    Weasel Attack Caught on Video (Mildly Graphic) - And How I'm Trying to Prevent Another Attack

    Hi all. This is a bit of a long read but hopefully my story will help some others learn from our mistakes and help keep your own flocks safe. We also welcome any advice on hopefully helping our one injured hen recover. Some of our flock including our beloved rooster Leonard who sadly was one...
  7. A

    HELP! Duckling attacked by Rat

    Couple of hours ago i pulled a duckling out of a hole away from grasps of a rat. Bleeding alot, rinced with saline and separated plan to get blue spray asap tomorrow morning. Bleeding slowed but still not stopping no movement or strength In left leg but still alive surprisingly. Any advice and...
  8. E

    Turkeys possibly attacked, no visible injuries, droopy and lethargic with closed eyes

    Hello all, We are first time turkey owners and have 8 heritage breed turkeys that are about 4 months old. We also have chickens, in case it matters. We keep them in electric netting that is regularly rotated on pasture. They have a tractor for food/water with roosts inside, plus a large...
  9. T

    What killed my turkey? Everything gone except neck and head.

    Does anyone know what predator could have killed my turkey. One of my bourbon red hens was in a bush dead. I have a flock of ten turkeys • Only the head and neck were left, however it was seemingly untouched aside from being pulled off of the body • The feathers were not too scattered, but there...
  10. C

    Found Injured Hen on Side of Road in Ditch, treating wound but now maybe wheezing? Does she need antibiotics?

    Hey all, I found a chicken on the side of the road in a ditch while I was walking my weiner dog. We both thought she was a dead animal but she was still alive. So i ran back to my house and got my car and grabbed her. The first day I gave her a bath and didn’t see anything but a small puncture...
  11. L

    Chicken attacked by raccoon , now not eating.

    Hi everyone. My chicken was attacked by a raccoon 5 days ago. There was blood, but now i dont really see any big scars. First day she was eating , and now for the last 4 days i dont think she ate. Ive seen her couple times trying to eat, but she stops right by the plate of food. Her beak doesn't...
  12. T

    Racoon attack, broken beak, thick mucus in mouth

    Hi. About a week and a half ago my hen got attacked by a racoon. I managed to save her from him even though he had her in his mouth. She had a head injury and a twisted jaw. Her eyes were swollen shut. I brought her back from the dead pretty much by cleaning her every day and nursing her wounds...
  13. Skipper Carnes


    Hey everybody. Just a matter of minutes ago, we assume a dog attacked my hen. We were short of white leghorn hen, and called them to come and feed hoping they were all there after we heard an giant amount of squawking and screaming. About 5 minutes later, out of the same direction, the missing...
  14. M

    HELP! Chicken attacked emergency wound

    I lost 2 chickens in the last 2 days due to unknown predator. We thought hawk, now thinking a mink or weasel. This one (Penelope) was attacked while I was eating lunch. We did not hear a sound and she was attacked less than 10 feet away. I came outside to her laying down and bleeding. A few...
  15. Mbh236

    Newly Aggressive Hen

    I have 4 hens in an enclosure that they’ve been in for almost 2 years and out of no where my smallest Ameraucana hen (who is at the lowest pecking order) has just started attacking my brown leg horn hen, holding her down, pecking her head, and drawing blood. It’s been a few days and she hasn’t...
  16. Chikenshiken

    Duck attacked by raccoon three weeks ago! Help! Should he be better by now?

    My duck was attacked by a raccoon three weeks ago. His brother sadly had to be put down yesterday because his leg issues were too severe to fix. However, my ducks legs look a lot better, not saying that means much, than his brother. After having to put his brother down, as they are both my first...
  17. sleepycat

    need help with treating REALLY bad quail wounds

    so i have a button roo who is normally with my girls, but i started noticing my girls had some bald patches from him, so i decided to try to put him in with my bachelor roos. they tore him up. the skin is peeling off of his head and he is obviously in a ton of pain. i feel so bad, im literally...
  18. N

    Bear mauled chicken

    I need your help, y'all, and your input on what I should do for one of my girls that was badly clawed at by a bear last night. Last night, we had our first successful bear attack (well, successful for the bear). We thought we'd done enough to deter them (we live in the southern Sierras), as...
  19. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Bobcat attack, please help!

    Long story short a bobcat attacked one of my hens. He grabbed onto her neck but my dad jumped out of the window and was able to get the bobcat to drop her and run off. There are no bad wounds, just some missing feathers and a little bit of blood but that is the extent of it. She is not acting...
  20. H

    Do I bandage the duck's leg or not?

    One of our ducks has a leg wound (not on the foot). I've emphasized that because everything we have looked up has talked about foot injuries but it's not the same. It's a long gash, one of two wounds we found her with several days ago. We believe a predator attacked her but did not see what...
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