
  1. RossBantams

    Missing Toes on Both Feet

    So, I bought some top quality breeder birds (Wyandotte bantams) from a well known breeder. He won 5th best bird in a show of 10,600 birds at Ohio Nationals last year. The birds I got are offspring of that winning bird. They are great birds and are filling out very nicely. I noticed though that...
  2. RossBantams

    Ross Acres (Ross Bantams) Exhibition Call Ducks

    Stole this idea from The Moonshiner! I show call ducks and absolutely love the breed. On this thread, I will be sharing pictures of my call ducks and stories of my adventures with them. At this point in time, I have white, pastel, and snowy call ducks. Follow along to see what it's like raising...
  3. RossBantams

    Any Interest?

    Hey everyone! I wanted to gauge interest in a few things I would love to write about. I have a slow-paced job, so I have some time to really deep dive into some topics. I know some have already been written about, but it never hurts to have different perspectives. Please let me know if you guys...
  4. RossBantams

    Any Interest?

    Hey everyone! I wanted to gauge interest in a few things I would love to write about. I have a slow-paced job, so I have some time to really deep dive into some topics. I know some have already been written about, but it never hurts to have different perspectives. Please let me know if you guys...
  5. RossBantams

    Colors of Call Ducks!

    Hello everyone! I wanted to share these photos with you all. These are pictures from The National Call Breeders of America website. You can purchase actual posters of these! Hope this helps you :wee
  6. Henora

    What gave him this color/pattern? what do I call it? Do you think he's pretty?

    This (11 wk old) cockerel is from a Jubilee Orpington rooster and a (maybe? mix?) black wynadotte/Orpington hen (last pic, she carries the mottling gene and has produced some black with white mottling chicks). He was very slow to feather, and his feathers are as iridescent as they look in the...
  7. T

    challenging spring and summer

    I've had an unusually challenging spring and summer hatching chickens out. My egg collectors were refrigerating the eggs in the beginning and not placing them correctly for incubation 😭 We've had horrible power surges and brownouts all year, especially during critical times like lockdown and...
  8. chimkinlover

    Poultry Breeding Pens/Coops

    I've been getting into raising rarer breeds of chickens/poultry, so I'm looking for breeding pen/coop ideas. I have lots of groups/pairs I would like to keep separate so I was wondering if anyone had any info/ideas to help me out. I found a few double decker cage ideas online, which seem very...
  9. K

    Backyard genetics

    First, new chicken person, please be kind. I accepted 6 school hatched chicks last spring that were from a backyard mix. I was told that there was a silkie rooster so if any had black skin or a fifth toe, they were from the silkie. So I ended up with 4 roosters and two hens. One rooster had the...
  10. C

    Breeding ducks

    I'm fairly new to keeping ducks and have 2 pekin ducks it seems they are mating from what i can read about it, head pumping and all that. So i have a few questions. - 1. I've read about adding oyster shell to the feed for the eggshells, when should i be doing that if i need to? - 2. Are the...
  11. GlicksChicks

    Glicks Chicks: The Chick Flicks

    Hello! This is going to be a thread with stories of my flock and my chicks! Expect cute, silly, and wholesome updates of my flock! Join me as my flock grows and I start dabbling in breeding flocks for pure bred poultry! Also join me in my journey to starting a business in breeding and selling...
  12. E

    Deerhen Project

    I'm looking for any information on what breeds would be best for my breeding project. Focusing on flighty temperament, natural brown coloring, brown eggs, good foragers, dual purpose. I also wanted to know if it was possible to have a natural brown hen with a white tail? Really into the idea of...
  13. TyRi

    What Breed Of Roo Should I Get?

    I’m not fully convinced we don’t have a roo currently but if not, I would like to get one. I want some opinions on which breed would be best for me. They will be in their run most of the time but could free range in the future especially on weekends and evenings when we are home. I am looking...
  14. ChickenQuailMom

    Hatching their own eggs?

    Hello, About a week ago, one of my Bobwhite quail started laying eggs again. I had taken two eggs from her nest. She stopped laying and destroyed her nest. So, I gave them back to her. She literally sang a song when she noticed they were back!! I almost cried! LOL! Since then, she has laid 1...
  15. Ankaa

    Lake County, Florida Laws for breeding and selling chickens/hatching eggs?

    Hello, I am wondering what the laws are for selling hatching eggs/breeding chickens in lake county. Specifically for AR zones and zones that fall under 10.01.06 Backyard Chicken laws. Do you need a limited poultry permit for either of these types of zones? I also do not see anything for selling...
  16. AMURPHY227

    Bachelor pads and breeding

    I am in the process of building a bachelor pad for my teenage boys. If you want to skip down to the question, its labeled "QUESTION:" I am not new to chickens, but I am new to a bachelor pad system lol...... Backstory: My husband got me 9 Black Copper Marans from a breeder for Christmas...
  17. talkinboutchickens

    How can I "make" an olive egger?

    Hi I was just curious about how I could get olive eggs, I heard that you can cross a brown layer with a blue layer and you get an olive egger, but last year my sapphire gem roo bred with my easter egger hen and their daughter just lays easter egger light blue eggs, not olive eggs. Does anyone...
  18. BerthaBoo

    Which cockerel would you keep?

    Hi everyone! I have two separate broods of chicks growing right now. One set is 2 weeks old and with a momma hen, the other batch is 8 weeks old and was just weaned. All are with the main flock since I hate integrating birds. The older chicks are all marans mixes (BCM and chocolate marans) and...
  19. Timbers Happy Hens

    Meat rabbit cross

    So I currently keep standard Rex and breed for confirmation for show. I send less than exceptional kits to freezer camp. A dual purpose program. So far I’ve only had one litter. My program is in the ‘garage’ phase. My question is, is there a breed I could cross with my standard Rex buck to...
  20. E

    Breeding expirament

    I'm curious about a breeding experiment I recently thought up. I'm considering breeding welsummers, Bielefelders, and brown leghorns together to create a new breed. I'm mainly wanting a deer Brown hen that's flighty and has a nice sized body for dual purpose. Also an additional trait is the...
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