Hatching their own eggs?


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2024

About a week ago, one of my Bobwhite quail started laying eggs again. I had taken two eggs from her nest. She stopped laying and destroyed her nest. So, I gave them back to her. She literally sang a song when she noticed they were back!! I almost cried! LOL!

Since then, she has laid 1 egg a day and has seemed to pair up with one of my roo's in keeping guard on the nest. Now they are not sitting on them all the time but definitely keeping guard.

Does this mean they will hatch them out when they have a big enough clutch? Or is this just common behavior for mating bobwhite quail?
They have taken nesting box pads and made a very nice, covered nest. This is also in a separate, more secluded and darker spot of their habitat. I had 5 eggs as of this morning, if they continue on schedule there will be another when I get home this evening. Thank you for the link to the thread!

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