
  1. O

    Concerned for our rescued hen.

    Concerned for my rescued hen. Hey y’all, this here is roadrunner our first rescued hen. we’ve had her about a month and 2ish weeks now, my partner and his coworkers ended up spotting her in a very busy part of our town when heading home for the day. we assume she’s a young hen as she’s smaller...
  2. M

    Is My Hen Broody?

    I have a hen who is sitting flatly in the nesting box and attacking my hand when I reach close to her, which I know is a sign of broodiness. However, she didn't make any noise at all, so could she have just been laying an egg? I pulled an egg from under her and set it off to the side and after a...
  3. R3M1X

    Not laying?

    I have 5 laying hens and 1 laying duck, as well has pullets and cockerels ranging in age from almost 6 months to 3 weeks old. For the past week or so, 2 of my laying hens have stopped producing eggs even though they are only a year old. I pick up the eggs daily to discourage them going broody...
  4. CaramelKittey

    Broody Hen at 8 years old?

    Well, I went out today to clean the chicken coop and saw my 8-year-old Plymouth Rock hen sitting on my Jersey Giant Raven’s egg. My Plymouth Rock is 8 years old and stopped laying a couple of years ago. My younger sister went to grab the egg and got a nice pecking from the hen. We gave her 3...
  5. Mother Bwaker

    Broody or something else?

    I've had one single red chicken for a year and she's been a very happy girl. In the mornings she's pretty loud & I go out & open her coop & she free ranges all day. She greets me when she hears my car in the afternoons & during the day she spends time in front of a mirror propped up out in my...
  6. chicgrrl

    buff orpington hen tail down & not going up on perch - is she sick?

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but my buff orpington hen has been weird for quite a few months and seems to be related to last spring when she went broody. I had a buff orpington rooster, initially. After he'd found his voice, one neighbor complained. It was an...
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