
  1. PantherWaltz

    Three of my eggs hatched successfully!!!

    I'm so excited to say that 3 of my 5 fertilized eggs hatched! They actually hatched last week on Friday/Saturday, they weren't 18 days like I thought in my previous post because turns out I was looking at a duck candling guide ha, silly mistake! They all developed properly up until hatch day...
  2. B

    Looking to Add an Olive Egger or Maran to My Flock (Oregon)

    Hi everyone, I am excited to expand my current flock and am looking to add an Olive Egger or Maran. If you have any chicks available or are considering rehoming one of your feathered friends, I would love to hear from you. I am located in the Portland Metro area, so please keep that in mind...
  3. BrahmaBaby

    Hen or Rooster? Chick update

    Hello, I posted a thread maybe close to a month ago wondering if one of my new Olive Egger chicks was a male. I read about the males having a dog on their head, but I’m not sure the parents lineage so I was informed it cannot be determined if it’s accurate or not. Here are updated pics of my two...
  4. Angel25

    Chicks with bloody poo- can't get to the vet!

    Hello, I have four chicks, who are 3 weeks old on Saturday. Two are Buff Orpingtons, one is a Marsbar and one is a Cream Legbar. I noticed this morning that there was some bright red blood in their poo- i'm not sure which one as whenever I watch the poo looks fine! I immediately thought...
  5. Muser

    Day 20: The hatching begins (Under broody hen)

    It's day 20 of chicks incubating under my big broody Orpington/Brahma cross, she started with 12 but one sadly stopped developing at day 3/4ish. So day 7 comes, candling shows great development, all 11 remaining eggs were showing spider veins and some dark eye spots as expected. Day 14 comes...
  6. B

    What gender are these chicks?

    I have two black Australorps and two Ameracaunas I purchased straight run from a backyard breeder. They are 11 weeks old, is anyone able to tell me if they are pullets or roos?
  7. RossBantams

    It's the weekend! What are you up to?

    Hello friends! It's the weekend, for most of us at least. What are some things you would like to get done this weekend? I would like to: Clean the house Do laundry Clear out some brush at the new property Clean out some incubators Work on my truck
  8. M

    4 week baby chick

    can anyone sex this baby chick? it’s 4 weeks old and i’m wondering if anyone knows what it could be.
  9. ChicksofHeaven

    Intro two chicks to one hen

    Hi everyone! I need advice with my update. I have a lone hen whose chicken friend died in early June. She was trying to flock with the kittens, obviously lonely. I have two chicks that have been brooding in a tank in the same lean to as the hen, so she’s been able to hear and smell them. They...
  10. Quacking ducks

    Roos or hens?

    18 and 19 week old chicks
  11. Post-Hatching Season Clean Up

    Post-Hatching Season Clean Up

    As the hatching season comes to an end for most of us, there are some things I like to do to ensure easy startup for next season. 1. Clean ALL the parts and pieces of the incubators. I used two incubators this Spring. A Hatching Time CT60 and a NutureRight360. I start by completely...
  12. B


    I have two broody chickens, one farther along than another. One is a black chicken that I’m not sure the breed and the other is a silky. The black chicken has been sitting on her for far longer than the silky. I’ve tried the eggs, but I’m not sure if I could really see anything because it was...
  13. RossBantams

    End of Incubation Season To-Do's

    As the hatching season comes to an end for most of us, there are some things I like to do to ensure easy startup for next season. 1. Clean ALL the parts and pieces of the incubators. I used two incubators this Spring. A Hatching Time CT60 and a NutureRight360. I start by completely...
  14. MamaPoult

    How do I break a broody?!

    Hey BYC people! I was hoping you all could help me out with something. So my nice Australorp hen, Elizabeth, has been broody for about 2-3 weeks now. She stays in the box all day and is pulling her belly feathers out too now. Our season is closing in here to it is not possible to let her...
  15. D

    Should I stop turning the eggs?

    My chicken went missing, turned out she was sitting on eggs. Not how long she has been sitting on them but she passed so I took the eggs inside to the incubator but I'm not sure if should turn them or not. The babies in the eggs are moving around. Is it better to stop turning them later or...
  16. M

    2 month silkie chick

    I have a silkie chick who just turned 2 months old and i’m wondering what you guys think it is. I know silkies are hard to sex, i’ve raised four but i’m wondering if anyone has any guesses.
  17. R

    Raising chicks

  18. cncurtis13

    Rhode Island Reds…Gray and Black Chicks?

    We were gifted three hens and rooster which I assumed were all Rhode Island Reds, but the giver calls them “farm chickens.” Anyway, broody hen sits on eggs, out pop two black chicks with yellow bums and a gorgeous gray chick. Any idea what they’ll look like as adults? Pics of chicks and parents...
  19. ChickenKeeper43

    What Breed are They?

    Hi, meet Velvet and Oreo. I was wondering if anyone experienced with chickens can help me identify them. We hatched Oreo and Velvet from fertilized eggs that we got from a farm located in Innisfil, Ontario, Canada. That farm has hundreds of chickens that lay all sorts of eggs (White, Brown...
  20. F

    I lightly hit an egg that is 23 days along

    I have broody mama on eggs, and half have already hatched.... she moved off the eggs so I gently transported them from the old nest to where she was currently on the way I bonked an egg... what could this do to the chick? Would it be ok? Also can spinning a chicken egg on hatching day hurt the...
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