
  1. Azdaydream

    Crossing Mosaic mixed with Salmon faverolle

    Hello All, So I have a question. If a mosaic hen (possibly mixed idk w/ what is she is even mixed but for sure part mosaic as I bought mixed eggs from someone) crossed with a male Salmon faverolle would the chicks come out with blue/greenish legs, beaks and skin like the hen did when I hatched...
  2. grammaC

    Pigeon-toed, injured, or Marek's?

    My Welsummer hen is about 4 1/2 months old. Was vaccinated at hatchery. Grew up fine with flock mates. Suddenly, she is pigeon-toed, injured or has Marek's disease. She can't walk without stepping on her own feet, losing her balance and tipping forward or sideways. She uses her wing to balance...
  3. F

    Gender of these four chickens

    Hi, I have raised 6 chickens of pure and crossed breeds of Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red. Here are their pictures. I am sure no.1 is hen and no.6 is roo. Can you tell the sex of chickens no. 2, 3, 4 and 5?
  4. #1HenGranny

    RIR + EE & Dominique + EE mixes what will they look like?

    I'm incubating some eggs. My main Rooster is an Easter Egger and I have some EE hens, and a road island red hen and a Dominique hen, and I wanted to know what the mixes will look like as adults and if they will lay green eggs.
  5. madisonboe

    Red Sex Link Hen X Dominique Roo

    My Red Sex Link Hen and Dominique Roo had ONE chick. Is there any way to tell the gender based on the coloring? If it’s a boy would it look like how the roo looked when he was a chick? The chick is yellow, like how the hen looked at that age, but it has a black spot on the back. What can I...
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