curled toes chick

  1. C

    2-4 week chicks curled toes & lame acutely

    I hatched 6 mix breed chicks and started them on Purina medicated chick feed they range from 2-4 weeks old now and over the last week 3 of them have come down with curled toes & difficulty walking, one almost doesn’t get up at all. I started sav a chick in the water yesterday, but just wondering...
  2. duckduckgose

    guinea fowl chick with curled feet/ toes.

    Hi peeps!:frow about a week or two ago one of my guineas hatched out a horde of keets, and within the next hour and a half due to bad weather and other random disasters managed to lose about half of them then had a brain explosion after somehow managing to get them into my garden (which is quite...
  3. Woodey2

    New Member in VA

    HI! We started with a flock of 6 hens. At Christmas we received 2 banty roosters. Sometime during one of our son brought a big rooster home. Two months ago hatched out 6 chicks. a few days ago the hubby came home with another hen. Yesterday our second group of eggs are hatching, three so far 14...
  4. chickenreyna

    Curled in toes, keeps making foot toes bleed help

    The store near me didnt have any nonstick wrap. I have used a tiny piece of cardboard medical tape over it. Left side is fixed, but, right side keeps tearing her skin poor chicks a duccle and cant see feathers on toes by legs are gone. Anyone have any solution not involving anything...
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