
  1. B

    Possibly losing hens to Marek’s

    Hello, Small flock keeper (15 hens) of 2 years in Northern CA. we’re aware it could be something else that killed her, however, this morning we noticed a different hen has a gray milky eye. When we saw this, our first concern became Marek’s as it looks exactly like it. I attached a photo for...
  2. B

    Possibly losing hens to Marek’s

    Hello, Small flock keeper (15 hens) of 2 years in Northern CA. we’re aware it could be something else that killed her, however, this morning we noticed a different hen has a gray milky eye. When we saw this, our first concern became Marek’s as it looks exactly like it. I attached a photo for...
  3. Rachel_liz15

    Coccidiosis or Something Else?

    I have 3YO Barred Rock Hen who is just plain not looking so hot. She is very dull looking compared to his sisters. Her comb and waddles are very pale (her comb is flopping over to side a bit too), she hardly moves. She walks very lamely, only a few feet or so, then just lies there, closing her...
  4. Dfarago

    Is this normal for a turkey?

    My two month old broad breasted turkey has a big, what looks like a growth, on its breast. This is my first time growing turkeys so am I just freaking out over nothing? Simple Google search says it could just be a fatty deposit which is normal, or blisters. I'm just concerned because none of the...
  5. A

    Adult duck trembling legs, won’t sit

    I have an adult duck (3-4 years old) whose legs are trembling a bit when she walks. I just noticed yesterday and made a note to keep an eye on her, and realized today that I haven’t seen her sit or lie down since then. She’s either walking around or just stands still to rest. Otherwise she seems...
  6. chicken mother

    Chickens dying of old age or illness?

    My family member bought like 10 chickens from some guy online. They were delivered to us and they were all low energy, pale a droopy combs. There are four left and this is the condition they’re in right now. The rest of them died. Is this an illness I can treat or did we get old dying hens? The...
  7. I

    Chickens face smells really bad, never normally this bad.

    I've got this silkie chicken that I've had for almost 5 years now, I've recently noticed(while picking her up) that her face absolutely stinks, at first I thought that maybe she needed a bath, but the rest of her body smells fine, its just her head, as I said I've had her for almost five years...
  8. LazyBirds

    Muscovy Duck Leg help

    Hi all! Wishing everyone and their feathery families peace to the mind. ♡ I have 2 muscovy females and one of them seems to have something wrong with her leg. They've both been broody and been in their nests all day for a couple weeks now. Lilith, the injured one, has some kind of scab or cut...
  9. ourlittlecoop2022

    Please help! Excessive thirst & lethargy in hen

    Hi all, Our 3.5 year old laying hen was acting normally yesterday, but upon coming out of her coop this morning proceeded to drink water for about 10 minutes straight. She would not stop, even when we tried to lure her away with treats. We examined her and found some messy feathers around...
  10. Sadie W

    My Two-Year-Old Duck Is All A Sudden Slow And Lethargic

    My two-year duck dixie has started moving very slowly and falls behind the rest of the crowd. even when I am chasing them back from the road all of them will run fast but not her. Please help!
  11. Q

    Unwell quail was eaten by myself and my dog

    My nephew has quail and he butchered one brought the carcass to mine and cooked it. Myself and my dog had some but he mentioned after eating the bird that the quail was potentially ill. I need to know what the illness was and will myself and most importantly, my dog be okay? He says the bird...
  12. Fluff to Feather Farms

    EXTREMELY bloated hen

    My 2 year old hen Rita has been bloated for a few months now. I thought she had worms, so I added apple cider vinegar and garlic into their food. It kept getting worse. I left for a trip last week, and lest the flock to my dad’s care. I came back yesterday. When I let them out this morning, I...
  13. H

    I don't know what's wrong with my chicken

    About a week ago, my chicken suddenly stopped laying eggs. She was standing around, and then sat while puffed up. We gave her some calcium through her water and food. We assumed she was egg bound, so we gave her a warm bath, dried her off and then put her in a dark area. This was 2 days after we...
  14. S

    Help! Chicken Died and Entire Flock Could Be at Risk

    I have a small backyard flock. One chicken randomly stayed by itself some yesterday. This morning I went out and it had died. No predators. The coop and run doors were still shut and no holes. We had a funeral for it today. As we were outside I noticed the other girls had bulges on the right...
  15. GuppyFish ButterGirl

    Hen excreting weird, bloody mucus... Please help!

    Hi guys, I've been finding this strange mucusy substance in my hen's bedding for the last few days. It's kind of like egg white but all bloody. She's been lying down a lot acting very lethargic too - just generally not herself. As far as I know she is still eating and drinking and is still...
  16. C

    Breeds surviving vs succumbing to Marek’s

    From those that have had Marek’s in the flock, it would be interesting to know how many chickens from each breed survived or didn’t - maybe that could give some idea of disease susceptibility. If you’re interested too, please share For us: Lost 1 BO (confirmed Marek’s) & 1 GLW (suspect...
  17. H

    Spraddle leg or mareks

    First time bird owner….so go easy on me. I’m nervous and want to do the right thing. I’ve got two 5 week old bresse that are not doing well. all was fine over the weekend. Last night I found chick #1 sitting alone and not joining in the feeding frenzy when I refilled the food/water. When I...
  18. A

    Crusty eyes crusty nose lethargic

    Alright guys I've been raising chickens for 10 years and I've never had this issues.. Crusty eyes and nose like you would see a human have if they had pink eye. I know if it's running eyes and nose it's respiratory and contagious. I don't want this to be the end of all my chickens....and I have...
  19. A

    HELP! 3 Month old Ameracauna dying!!!

    Hey I need quick answers please, doesnt matter if its a sentence or bullet points, etc. My ameracauana had, had a change of attitude since monday but I thought it was just going at a slower pace since i had started letting them free range, and thought it was looking for bugs. Well today I come...
  20. Emrosenagel

    Chicken doesn’t have a lot of food in crop at night

    Hello! I have a pair of 7mo Blue Andalusians and a broody Cochin who I’m not concerned about. Now, Rachel - one of my blues - I’ve noticed doesn’t have a very full crop at night. I noticed this weeks ago, but didn’t think too much of it. It isn’t empty, and I do see her eat (if not as...
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