
  1. chickenchicklady

    No more eggs

    Hello! I have a flock of about 12 girls. A couple Roos. I typically get between 9-12 eggs a day. But the last three days I’ve only gotten one egg. Is this normal? I know it’s normal to not get as many, but will some of them just stop playing completely In the winter? Or do I need to check them...
  2. Backyard Necropsy - Eggbound RiR - GRAPHIC images

    Backyard Necropsy - Eggbound RiR - GRAPHIC images

    She was almost 6 months old. Anomalies in first 3 weeks of daily egg laying included: less than 25 hrs between laying, double lash eggs on the poo board, and a few large Double Yolks - the last with heavy shell and uneven calcium on surface, after eating a lot of pumpkin. Most eggs however...
  3. D

    Please help! Egg bound hen!

    We have a 10-month old hen who has been egg bound since yesterday; we have tried bathing her in warm epsom salt water, applying Vaseline to the vent and giving her calcium via a crushed up tablet mash. Are there any other tips we can try? She is trying very hard to lay the egg and in obvious...
  4. TooncesTheDrivingCat

    Wry Neckand eggbound

    I have 5 ISABrown hens. 8 months old. I changed the food to Dumor and 2 weeks later, I have a hen with wry neck. Have been treating. Changed the food back to one recommended by hatchery so...all that is taken care of. The question is......ISA Browns lay a LOT of eggs. Like over 300 a year some...
  5. Melody102

    Quail death, anything I could have done?

    Hi everyone, I’m so sad to report that my pretty lady Rosie has passed away. I think she died from being egg bound (sorry can’t do autopsy, she was my sweetheart and I can’t bring myself to open her up) She had a very large egg inside her near her vent( I can feel it) but shows no other signs...
  6. K

    Sick Golden Comet Hen, egg bound or organ failure?

    Hi everyone! I’m relatively new to having/raising chickens (approx. 2 years) and I’m encountering an issue with one of girls right now that I can’t seem to find good information on. I acquired her from a guy who no longer wanted his 2 golden comets, so I’m not sure how old she is. If I had to...
  7. winglesschicken

    Eggbound Turkin (Please help fast)

    I have an eggbound Turkin who's in really bad shape. She's huge and her skin is all super red. She's super stiff and walks really weird. Earlier she soaked in a warm/hot bath and was able to pass some poop, and then we put her in a cage for a bit. We fed her some egg (she was eager to eat). We...
  8. ForestAlice

    My hen laid a cracked egg, and seems to be struggling. What should I do?

    Cloaca/poop pictures ahead!! I went to let my girls out this morning, and noticed that one of my girls, Duchess, was in her nest box, and thought nothing of it. I just went back outside to see them, (its about 4PM,) and I couldn't find her. outside with her sisters. I remembered that she was...
  9. Fairywoodducks

    Eggbound duck

    My almost 2 year old khaki Campbell, Amelia, is having problems with an egg. Looks like she is pushing with now luck. She is eating, drinking, foraging, and pooping. I soaked her in a warm epsom salt bath for 30 min and then let her rest. She does seem tired and hurting. She did lay a good egg...
  10. 3

    Mystery Diagnosis: Chicken Edition - HELP ! ! !

    Greetings Backyard Chickens Community, This is my first time posting on here and reaching out directly for help, though I’ve read dozens of threads over the past little over a year of keeping hens in our small suburban backyard and all the minor follies that have accompanied that endeavor. I’m...
  11. 3

    Was Eggbound, passed egg, hasn't laid for weeks since, some symptoms remain. Additional Complications? Need insight.

    Greetings Backyard Chickens Community, This is my first time posting on here and reaching out directly for help, though I’ve read dozens of threads over the past little over a year of keeping hens in our small suburban backyard and all the minor follies that have accompanied that endeavor. I’m...
  12. Maryam.

    Ducks are good at hiding symptoms..

    Hey, As many of you already know Daisy is my almost 3 y.o rouen and a female. She started laying since she was 6months old, she would lay a big egg everyday for 2years! Although she was so small and this made her weaker.. until a few months ago one day I found her sitting in a dark place alone...
  13. PioneerChicks

    Getting Extra Long Eggs - Possibly Causing Hens To Go Eggbound

    Hey ya'all! So to start I'll tell you that three of my pullets started laying last autumn, and two of them layed eggs that were unusually long. Sometimes the eggs have small wrinkles on the pointy egg and slight noticeable lumpy sides. (They are a polish and a Easter Egger.) The EE's eggs are...
  14. LittleFlinga

    Eggbound on Bactrim?

    One of my silkies, stayed unnormally long time in the nest, trying to lay her egg, but nothing happened. She has now stopt trying and seems to have pain, being for herself and not coming for food. I baded her in warm water, massaged down her vent with oil and also felt little inside (nothing). I...
  15. Cierabug


    My red star hens abdomen has been red and swollen for the past three days. Her vent and abdomen are red and can be seen straining. I tried to feel for an egg, but didnt feel anything. She has stopped trying to leave the coop an now just sits down all day with her eyes closed. She also has yellow...
  16. J

    URGENT- Hen is lethargic with pale comb and can’t stand!!!

    i need help!!!! I have 2 free roaming chickens that live together which are about 2.5-3 years old. They are Rhode Island Reds. Part of the backyard is near a wooded area/forest. The smaller of the sisters all of a sudden started staying in her coop and will not eat or stand! She seems very weak...
  17. Mrs123Wife

    Help! Prolapse vent, distended abdomen, and egg bound?

    I have a flock of 13 chickens. We were gone for a few days for a vacation, and had somebody checking on the chickens while we were gone. The chicken sitter didn't notice anyone acting weird, but this morning I noticed one of my chickens was waddling and her feathers were an absolute mess. It...
  18. Woodfamilyhens

    Chicken laying only egg white/yolk treatment

    My wyndotte Penny has been laying only egg white and yolk with no shell for several days. I have been soaking her with a warm epson salt bath. Today I have found no egg dropping’s. I have been feeding her cooked egg with shell and oyster shells mixed into it and put the livestock multivitamin...
  19. NBwriter

    Lethargic RIR, won't eat, stands hunched, no visible eggbound

    One of my Rhode Island Reds (4yo) isn't well — she is squatting and lethargic and won't leave the coop for the run, won't eat or drink. It's been 2 days. I suspected she's egg bound, and brought her in for a warm water bath, and have her crated in the house. She's standing up like a turkey...
  20. B

    Enlarged, swollen lower abdomen. Not laying eggs for many weeks.

    Our hen, Abby, is about 5 or 6. We got her 3 years ago. We have two hens. Both are not well right now. I will post about the other one, Bernie, later. She's all rusty buff colored, about the size of hens we've had in the past, like a rhode island red or silver laced wyandotte. I don't know...
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