freedom rangers

  1. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Ranger chicken(s) crowing at 5.5 weeks

    Well, this is something I did not plan for. I've only raised CX in the past and have never had anyone crow before processing day. This morning, I go out to feed and water my nearly 6 week old Rainbow Rangers (Meyer Hatchery) and someone is trying to crow! It's that baby crow that isn't too loud...
  2. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Space requirements for Red/Freedom/Rainbow Rangers

    I have 7 Rainbow Rangers on order from Meyer Hatchery for September. My question is how much space do they require per bird when free-ranging in order for it to not get too poopy? And, how much do they poop compared to CX? I think my plan is to brood them for the first 2-3 weeks. Then do 2-3...
  3. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Ideal dressed weights for chicken

    When raising meat birds, what dressed weight do you shoot for? Last time, our CX birds were 6.5-8.5 lbs. dressed, and they were pretty huge. Not complaining but I'm not sure if I need THAT huge. However, I also don't want to process too early and have scrawny chicken pieces (thighs, breasts...
  4. M

    Dirty Birds

    First time raising meat birds. We have 25 freedom rangers. We currently have them in a chicken tractor and we move them twice a day but everytime we move them they have completely covered the ground they were on with manure. Which causes the bottom side of them on their breasts to be matted with...
  5. Isadora

    Hey guys! Homesteading newbie here

    Hey guys! I've read this website off and on for several years but didn't have a need to join since I didn't have any poultry. Now we're out in the country, starting our homestead, and have a flock of 18 runner ducks and 4 pekins, a brooder full of peeping freedom rangers broilers, and a pen of...
  6. EggMan207

    Does anyone feed meat birds grain?

    I know typically you want the high protein count, but does anyone feed grains to the meat birds? How does it change the taste and texture of the meat, if at all? What grains would you recommend?
  7. Lovefarmanimals

    "Rainbow egg layer" (Dixie or Freedom Ranger)?? Does anyone know about these breeds?

    I bought some chicks (straight run for $1.99) at Tractor Supply.. and the label read "Rainbow egg layers". I thought to myself these chickens must lay colorful eggs (hence the sign). I asked the lady there at TSC if they laid colorful eggs and she assumed they did, so i went on and got them...
  8. S

    European Freedom Rangers?

    Hello all, I recently moved to Europe--to Ukraine, specifically. Question--what would be a comparable European breed to the American Freedom Ranger? I've searched the Internet, but can't seem to find anything on the subject. Basically, I want a broiler that can free range to a good extent and...
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