gender help

  1. joshschickenflock

    Help Ayam Cemani Age/Gender

    Need help with this chicks age and gender. Any guesses write them below !
  2. loyalcrowlist

    Cochin mix help?

    So, this baby was hatched on March 25th from a barnyard mix but given the feathered legs, I'm pretty sure they're a cochin mix of some kind. Could be wrong though! I was wondering, though, based on tail shape and the feathers on the shoulders, would you say this is a cockerel? They don't have...
  3. C

    Rhode Island Red, Hen or Rooster?

    Hi everyone! I’m new to BYC and to chickens. In May I got 6 Rhode Island reds, and I’m wondering if these two are hens or roosters? They are both 16 weeks old The first three are one chicken and the last two are another. I’m open to any suggestions because I’m not really sure. Thanks for helping!
  4. M

    Help sexing SLW AND GLW

    Ordered all of them as presexed female one day old chicks. Have a feeling there’s a few roosters in the mix but they’ve got me stumped. Maybe a trained eye can help. My EE’s and faverolles were a breeze to sex; these two breeds, not so much. The gold laced Wyandottes are 11 weeks today and came...
  5. Amrobblee

    Gender help

    I have two ducks both about 7-8 weeks old, I was told one is a crested black Swedish and the other is a blue Swedish/Rouen mix. They are both so quiet, one still makes a peeping noise rather than a quack and the other has a raspier sound which we assume is male but they both have a very slight...
  6. Madimhunter

    Opinions on what gender my bird is?

    5/6 week old - Opinions?!
  7. F

    2 Month Old Partridge Rock Pullet or Cockerel?

    Hi everyone, It is my first time raising chickens and I bought 2 Ameraucanas and one Partridge Rock. They are a little under two and a half months old now. As my partridge grows, I am noticing different looking tail feathers and rapid growth of waddles and comb. The comb started coming in a few...
  8. Scareab

    Salmon Flaverolle Gender??

    Hello! So I’ve raised this one for about 24 weeks so about more than 5ish months. I sent pics early on asking if they were Roos or hens and the feedback I got said hens. Well her crop is a bit large? I’m not familiar with this breed but from the pics it seems a bit bigger. I know not all...
  9. HollyJB

    Are these three all roosters? Two 4 week old Pekin Bantams and one Serama

    Hi everyone - long time chicken keeper, first time chick mama! Wondering if anyone can take a guess at the gender of these three chicks. Up until a few days ago I was convinced the black pekin was a pullet and the white pekin was a roo - black pekin was by far the most timid and had a more...
  10. TheTexasChickenGirl

    Salmon Favorelle boy or girl???

    Hi! I'm new on Back Yard Chickens. I love this website, and I come here whenever I have a question (which is what I'm doing now)!!! I recently got 3 new chickens, two of which are Salmon Favorelles, Miss Blackbeard and Suzy Lou. Suzy has no beard, and her face doesn't have many feathers on it...
  11. J

    Can you help with breed and gender?

    hi! My name’s Jackie, this is my first post. I’m in WA, and we just got our first chicks this year. I bought 2 olive eggers and 2 black copper marans from a local farm (plus 2 ameraucanas from our farm store). The farmer put 4 black, nearly identical chicks in the box and I don’t know which is...
  12. jenbohman

    Black bantam Silkie. Hen or Roo?

    This little one is about 4 months old. Not crowing. Pretty round crest. Narrow comb, but fairly large waddles. Also, is it normal for Silkie wing feathers to be picked and ragged like this? We have 2 silkies. Both around the same age. Both have ragged wing feathers.
  13. Denasmee

    Well, we heard one of our chickens rooster call, which one is it?

    I’m betting that it’s the little one, just Becuase she turned five weeks and has a red comb already and just somehow looks like a boy to me. My question is what do you guys think? We have three chickens. Two are pullets I believe. We have one buff Orpington 7 weeks old, one barred rock (or...
  14. BrahmaMom1797

    Sultan Gender Help!

    I have two sultan chicks at about 8 weeks old. I got them from Meyer and ordered for only female chicks. I have polish hens and have already gone through the growing up of them as chicks, but sultans are a little bit different and harder for me to tell the sex. I’ve never actually raised them to...
  15. MotherOfChickens99

    Probable roo RR and ?? EE

    We're fairly certain that we've got a handsome RR roo on our hands but we're fairly inexperienced and wanted some confirmation. (He's about 10weeks old) Also this is my 8.5 week old EE and I really find it impossible to tell. So far almost no comb just a few tiny nubs
  16. SEaton611

    Black Australorp - Rooster or Hen?

    Hey all, At the end of March, I got four black australorp babies. One of them has a more defined wattle than the others, and its feathers look more "pointed." I read on the forum that pointy saddle feathers could likely mean the bird is a rooster. The other three have rounded feathers, and less...
  17. Blue_dingo

    5 week old Ameraucana: hen or roo

    Hi all, can I get a quick gender check on this bird? She sure looks like a hen to me, but likes to get in the typical rooster fighting stance and boss the other hens around. The comb looks good to me but this is my first Ameraucana so i dont have a frame of reference and they seem quite...
  18. Chickycammy

    Can anyone tell me these 5s genders??

    I have 5 that I'd like to know their genders. 2 older around a week or two and 3 others are around a week or younger. Mother is a RIR/Leghorn mix and father is a BR/Plymouth rock mix.
  19. M

    Please help indentify gender

    Hi All, This week, we were out to get new additions to my bantam flock, and the plan was to get a pekin bantam pullet and a roo, as I hadn't had one in my flock and I wanted to have a roo, so that in case one of my hen goes broody again, I don't have to travel far to buy fertile eggs. I choose...
  20. ecb4156

    Java pullets or cockerels?

    I’m on the fence about these two, Cookies & Cream. I think they are hens but I thought I’d see what everyone thought about them :) p.s. Cream has the most white
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