hutch design

  1. June Chick

    Rabbit Housingn Ideas/Post Your Rabbit Hutch/Run

    I need rabbit housing ideas, what do y’all aphave set up? Looking for something simple and preferably easy to clean/access Love to see all your enclosures!
  2. ColleenRyan

    Keeping My Ducks Safe

    hey guys!! My 6 little duckies that hatched this summer are outside in a run that my fiancé and I reinforced. They have a hutch inside the run that they go in every night at dark. I have a hunting camera in my yard and I checked the card today and it picked up numerous sightings of cats in my...
  3. Lazy Farmer

    My Egg House. Reuse Project(s)

    The new egg factory:). This was a greenhouse aging & falling apart across the street on our neighbor's property. The poor fellow was struggling with cancer and my loving husband would go over once a week to mow, weed and clear branches for the retired couple for free, just being good neighbors...
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