laying on roost

  1. applethechicken

    Chicken laying shell less/ thin shelled eggs in the middle of the night on roosts

    I have an almost 1 year old ameraucana (Peach) that has laid three soft shelled eggs (a little bit of shell development) in the middle of the night. I found one last Tuesday (3/21) morning under the roosts, and that egg was supposed to be laid around 12 pm Tuesday, so it was laid hours early. I...
  2. HappilyHartley

    Laying in odd places

    Hi, my girls just started laying 8 days ago. Hens are 18 weeks on Tuesday the 13th. I don't know which of my 5 are laying. One uses the nesting box and lays beautiful brown eggs. The shell is nice, smooth and hard and yokes are beautiful. I think it is one of my Rhode Island Reds. Then I have...
  3. debrah

    Chickens laying at night on roost

    We introduced 4 new ISA brown hens to the flock this past summer. They laid in nesting boxes at first, but then one started laying at night onto the poop board. Now another has joined her! We're dismayed to be losing 2 eggs a 'day' from this behavior! The eggs are cracked and dirty when we...
  4. AshMckenzzz

    Chickens Laying Eggs on Roost

    Hi Folks, So this is a new one for me. On Sunday we gave the coop a good clean. Starting yesterday, I've got two of my hens laying their eggs from the roost, breaking them in the processes and making a mess. I'm confused as to why this is happening as you think they'd be delighted with the...
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