Hi, my girls just started laying 8 days ago. Hens are 18 weeks on Tuesday the 13th. I don't know which of my 5 are laying. One uses the nesting box and lays beautiful brown eggs. The shell is nice, smooth and hard and yokes are beautiful. I think it is one of my Rhode Island Reds. Then I have the other layer/layers? I have been finding eggs, 2 at a time, one on top of the other and they are usually broken. They were happening below the perch so I put lots of bedding down so they would have a soft landing. Since then they now lay them what looks like over the edge of there ladder going into the coop because they are splat all over the ground one on top of the other. The shell appears to be soft and very thin. Is this normal? Is it possible that they can lay 2 eggs at once or more likely that 2 hens are laying in the exact same spot? I will attach pictures of the eggs, the good one and the broken ones. Thank you for any info on how to manage this.