male or female

  1. E

    Young Chick, white with few black spots and gray legs/comb

  2. M

    Female or Male EE?

    Getting a new chicken and hoping this is this chicken (about 6-8 weeks old) a male or female? Thanks!!
  3. 3

    Columbian Wyandotte Male or Female? Help.

    Hello! I Recently gotten a few new chicks this year I got 5 from a different place then I usually do they were all said to be pullets got 4 Australorps and one a Colombian Wyandotte (it was the only one left) I know for sure the Australorps are all pullets but I’ve had a GLW in the past but I’m...
  4. Reebz

    Is Kinder a Mr or a Little Miss? :)

    Hi guys! Hope y’all and your feathered families are well :) Sooo Kinder is now officially 9 days old. An absolute bundle of joy and a complete terror all rolled into one!!! :lol::love I think I may have accidentally hatched out a puppy. She chews everything in sight, leaves me poopy-presents...
  5. TheCoopOnShine

    Pullet or Cockerel?

    Hello everyone! I am new to keeping chickens and am looking for some insight. One of our "pullets" has been making a different sound lately than she has been before. She's a Mottled Cochin and is about 2 months old. I've attached a video of the sound (she's the black and white chicken on the...
  6. C

    Help sexing silver laced Wyandottes

    Hi!! I have 2 silver laced Wyandottes that are 7.5 weeks old. They have the same pattern but different coloring. Can you guys please help me determine if they are pullets or cockerel? Also posting a pic of my gold Easter Egger who is also 7.5 weeks. What do you think?? Male or female? Thank you!!!
  7. baileeb

    Can you sex these chicks? Help!!

    Hello all! These are my 5 week old baby chicks. Their breeds are: black australorp, barred plymouth rock, rhode island red, olive easter eggers (2 grey ladies), and a golden laced wyandotte. I’m curious to see if anyone can sex them because I have no clue how to- they’re my first flock! Please...
  8. F

    What breed and gender is this as the post says....

    can someone please help me identify this bird???? Its almost 5 to 6 months old....
  9. H

    SLW 4 weeks - Male or Female

    Our 4 week old silver laced Wyandotte is a real dink! I got her out of a tub of pullets at tractor supply. I'm starting to wonder if she's maybe a roo! Any thoughts? She goes after the other three. I have all different breeds so can't compare her to anyone. She is the most curious and when my...
  10. A

    Pullet or cockerel chicks? 3 weeks old. Thanks for guessing! Happy Easter

    Hi, we have some 2 year old chickens and adding to the flock this year. Anyone up for some guesses to male vs female? Will post photos of the newest members individually below... currently 3 weeks old
  11. ChickChic00

    Male Or Female Runner?

  12. Momma Kat

    Needing a little help please Pullet or Cockerel

    I can only get pick this chick up if it is a pullet. The one who has doesn’t know. All I have to go on are these two photos. Can anyone help me?
  13. S

    Male or Female?

    We just purchased two ducks and are trying to determine if they are male or female. We have one female pekin already who is 3 months old but definitely has the loud, distinctive quack. The 2 we purchased are supposed to be 6 months old and one is a Pekin and one is a Khaki Campbell Runner mix...
  14. CaramelKittey

    Is my kitten male or female?

    Hi! If I post this in the wrong thread, feel free to let me know! If I did post this in the wrong thread, I am truly sorry. If I am in the right thread you can ignore this message. Thank you! For the past week or so, we have been tracking this feral cat with 3 kittens. We have had 2...
  15. Zihad

    Not Laying Eggs! 8 month old Guinea fowl!

    Hello! I started with 2 Guinea fowls and 2 Turkeys 7 months back. All the keets were 1 month old. The turkey hen laid 24 eggs and is sitting on them for about 20 days. But there is no sign of the guineas laying any eggs. They are 8 months old. I heard the "Buck-wheat" sound many times. So there...
  16. C

    Hen or rooster? 2 month old silkie. Photos included.

    I hatched some silkies in November and I’m really excited to see if they are male or female. One of them is different than the others. Of course this is the splash silkie that I love the most. There is a walnut or raised area that the others don’t have. My one adult female silkie that was...
  17. Ceejayzee

    Is this rabbit male or female?

    Can anyone give me an opinion if this rabbit is male or female? It’s about 8 weeks old according to the woman we got it from. Supposed to be a female. I keep going back and forth if I think male or female
  18. Missythechickenlady

    Sexing easter eggers.

    Can I have some opinions on my we. It is almost 7 weeks old and would like to know if it is a pullet or cockeral? Please let me know. That's missy
  19. backyardchicks

    Cream Legbar Chicks - Male or Female?

    Hi, I have 3 Cream Legbar 2 day old baby chicks. Which ones are male and which one's female? I am posting 2 pictures of the same 3 baby chicks. What do you think??
  20. Jacobdean916

    Hen or rooster?

    Fairly new to raising my own chickens, I just got this youngin along with two others from a breeder who claims to know his stuff. It’s Suppose to be a hen, but to me, looks more like a young rooster. What do y’all think? Please and Thankyou!
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