male or female

  1. Cliopadra

    Help! is this polish bantam male or female????

    Helo, I was wondering, does anybody here know how to spot the difference between a male and a female polish bantam chicken??? Because a few months ago we got three polish bantam chicks and we were told they're all hens, but I'm starting to suspect the biggest chicken, Dwalin, might just be a...
  2. Str4b3rryb33

    Princess... or Prince?

    It was just brought to my attention that my baby, affectionately known as Princess might be a roo... I have a roo already and am not supposed to- they are not allowed in my city. Can y'all tell if she is a he?
  3. Western North Carolina

    Cochin bantams- guesses at sexing 3 1/2 week olds?

    Any guesses on the genders? 3 are frizzles, and 2 black ones are smooth. All bantams. 3 1/2 weeks old. Chick 1. (frizzle) Chick 2. (frizzle) Chick 3 (frizzle) Chick 4. Smooth Chick 5. Smooth
  4. K

    rooster or hen?

    i think this is a white cochin bantam but im not too sure, also does anyone have an idea on the gender?
  5. K

    Can anyone help me identify these peachicks as male or female??

    I am going tomorrow to purchase two baby peachicks, one is a dark pied 7 weeks the last one she has left that she is holding for me, then I want to pick between her loud pied or black shoulder. They are only 4 or 5 weeks. I want males. One hen would be fine but I really don't want to end up with...
  6. Cklass90

    Male or female?!

    I'm totally new to chickens and got a this exotic chick in with my others. I think I've figured out it's a white crested black polish? But male or female?! How do I tell??
  7. wifeyschlegel

    It's time to play.. Pullet or Roo?!? (Barred Rock)

    The chick in question is only 2-3 weeks old so I'm pretty sure it's way too early to tell but I'm being impatient since a friend told me she thinks it's a roo.. She/he was the first to roost and is always finding the highest roosts, I have no idea if that makes a difference or not. She/he is my...
  8. MustLoveDucks

    Male or female? Can you tell?

    Just wondering if you cancan tell if my pekin is male or female based on this... It may not be enough to go off of but just curious. Trying to get some other sounds out of him/her or "it" lol. We'll go with Hayhei because that's his (*fingers crossed) name. Lol
  9. K

    One of my babies passed, what do i do now

    I’ve had two pekin ducks for the past two years. They were brothers and inseparable. This morning my baby passed away and it was the most heartbreaking thing ever. My other one is okay right now but i’m afraid of him being lonely or depressed because his buddy won’t be around anymore. I was...
  10. Newchickymama37

    Any idea what breeds they are?

    Saturday we bought 16 new baby chicks from our local TSC but i have no idea what breed any of them are! I bought the last 6 larger yellow ones they had left from one bin for $1.99 but there was nothing saying what kind they were. Also purchased 10 out of the bin titled bantam straight runs. If...
  11. S

    Rooster or Hen?

    Hello! I'm not new to the chicken scene, but I am to having this issue. I have a new chicken, I found them wandering around one evening in our valley, close to the time the Coyotes would start coming out..So I took them in, granted it wasn't happy, I was determined to find it's owner, since...
  12. V

    Aggressive male/females???!??!

    Hello all. We have 20 birds, well 18 now. And a lot of them are getting pecked on. To the point were they don't have back feathers and one has had blood drawn. We definitely had two males, which we got rid of today. There may be one or two more. But they are still too young to tell. So they...
  13. L

    8 week old Buff Oripington Sexing

    Hello, I am new to this form and this is my first post. I have a almost 8 week old buff oripington and he has very red comb but no tail. I just want to make sure if he is really a he. And when will the buff oripington start to crow? I have a 16 weeks old silkie male which just started crowing in...
  14. Acre4Me

    Black Jersey Giants - M or F?

    Purchased these on hatch day Feb 28, 2018. They are 4 weeks old. However, they have been developing very differently with wing feather and tail feather growth. Also, their comb and wattles are also on different growth rates. Here is a link to a recent thread with weekly wing pics where you...
  15. Acre4Me

    Wing/ Comb Development - Black Jersey Giants

    While posting some pics of feet (BJG vs BA) in another thread (, I was requested to post pics of wings of my BJG. They were hatched on Feb 28, 2018. I purchased from a smaller hatchery (Eagle nest...
  16. Mcse4u

    Blue Wheaton Aumericana- boy or girl??

    my hens are about 28 weeks old. All are laying except for my lone Easter egger, who is also at the bottom of the pecking order. She (he?) is vocal but doesn’t crow, and certainly doesn’t crow first thing in the morning. I did have a roo so I know what they should sound like. So based on these...
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