pecking at each other

  1. T

    1 year old hen with bare back

    I have 5 hens no roosters. They are well fed, free range for several hours a day plus have a decent size run rest of the time. In last 8-12 weeks all the hens seem to be molting all but one is back to being fully feathered. I have one hen whose back remains bare. Just curious what could be...
  2. L

    Chickens pecking each other's head

    Hi, I have a Wyandotte rooster, a Wyandotte pullet, and 3 Australorp pullets. None of the pullets are laying yet. I noticed last week the Wyandotte had been pecked on the top of the head and there was blood on her and the rooster. I assumed the rooster was just getting into his sexual maturity...
  3. Fuzzychicken98

    Polish Flock Crest Pecking

    I need help asap. They randomly started pecking my boy at 3.5 months old. I put blue ointment on his head. Now all 3 of my girls are pecking eachothers head and ripping crest out. I don't want them to kill eachother. I don't know what to do. I love my babies. My silkie girls are completely fine...
  4. H

    Bald chicken - advice needed

    Hi all My first time posting. I’ve recently rehomed some ex battery hens and they’ve all being doing really well in terms of fattening up a bit and growing healthy feathers. A few have had issues around their necks though, with one in particular who’s lost feathers all down her neck and chest...
  5. K

    3 week old getting pecked

    Hi all. I have a Brahma that had its tail pecked at a few days ago. We removed her and treated the area. The area looks great. We’ve tried to reintroductions to the Brooder and it hasn’t gone well. I didn’t put Blu-cot prior to the second intro, but the area was completely healed. What can I...
  6. TheBirdBabe

    Help! MEAN chick!

    I have fresh chicks that are days old (one was born 2 days earlier than the other 2). The oldest chick is MEAN! She keeps grabbing the other chick's beaks & shaking them around! 😭 Their beaks were totally normal.. but now they're damaged! Should I isolate the mean one? They're still with mama in...
  7. C

    Back of neck molting/pecking

    My female muscovy duck is losing feathers at the back of her neck - I have noticed a large amount of her feathers scattered all around their pen in a small amount of time. I saw her and our drake pecking each others feathers, unsure if this is a mating thing or if they are hurting each other...
  8. I

    Scabs on comb and bold spots on head. How to stop pecking?

    Hi chicken friends, my hen showed bold spots on the back of her head for a few weeks now. I know the other hen is pecking her on the head occasionally and thought that the bold spots came from that. This morning she had scaps on both sides of her comb and I’m wondering if I can do anything to...
  9. 5

    🐓🐓Flock Integration Advice

    Hello chicken enthusiasts! Back in April, I was only able to get two barred rock (due to some specific circumstances). I had them in the run for a few weeks, so that they would know that it was their home and such. My older flock, free ranges and would come and go from the run as they would...
  10. D

    My new chicken has bald spots… I’m new!

    Hello all! I got two chickens today from a place off of the road in a rural town. The chickens there seemed to have a large pen and it was not over crowded. I got handed two chickens- one with a full set of feathers and another with some bald spots of raw red skin ://. It was pouring so in the...
  11. S

    Hen Pecked?

    You can see the missing feathers on her head. I have 2 like this. Is there a pecking problem? I have seven hens. Plenty of space. All seem to have been doing fine for the last year + since I got them. Now I have this. Not sure if I have a disease problem or hen pecking problem. Odd thing is...
  12. M

    chicks pecking at each other

    This past easter my hen had hatched out 2 chicks so they're currently about 7-8 weeks old. This evening when i got home from work i had noticed one of the chicks (we'll call this one chick A) hiding under the small space we have under our nesting boxes, and quickly realized that it was severely...
  13. moocowsuk

    Chicken Jail

    Hey everyone. I bought 2 girls about 2 weeks ago from a place down the road from me ( photo of naughty girls ) and they settled well and today me the wife went back to the same place and brought another three. There only brought two weeks apart but from a different flock. I introduced them...
  14. EggsNchooks

    How to stop hens pecking and injuring other hens in the coop

    Hi all, So I went in the coop this morning and found this hen who’s been getting pecked. The culprit has pecked a decent sized deep hole in her back, I have caged her up elsewhere and put betadine on her wound. Is there anything else anyone can recommend to help her heal? what can I do about...
  15. RussellOR

    Help! Chicks pecking excessively?

    I have 3 Easter eggers and 3 cream legbar chicks, all almost 2 weeks old now. For about a week I have noticed pecking behavior that has troubled me and I have made all attempts to improve the situation besides separating the chicks. It seems the legbars are semi obsessed with pecking at the...
  16. S

    Is my chicken egg bound? Have an illness?

    I’ve got 5 chickens and for the past few weeks there has been a lot of pecking each other amongst them. I tried to stop the pecking as much as I could by using products such as Cooper & Gracies Anti Pecking Spray - however I’ve had no luck. Last week I heard an awfully loud noise coming from my...
  17. A

    Thanks for this community! Trouble with pecking!

    Hello from South Dakota USA. I am a new chicken mom of 6 Plymouth Rock hens. Over the past 9 months I've fallen in love with raising chickens. My family thinks I'm a little on the crazy side🤪. My girls were doing amazing up until about 2 weeks ago. Winter boredom has set in and I'm having...
  18. babayagaeggs

    Hen exhibiting Marek's symptoms after being picked on...but she's vaccinated

    (TLDR: I don't think it's Marek's because my hen is vaccinated, but why can't my chicken walk after she got picked on?) Over a week ago, one of my larger hens started pecking on the smallest member of the flock. It was bad, and her scalp wound up bloody. There were no obvious wounds on the rest...
  19. TheChickenLady1

    Hen Molting for a Second Time?

    I currently have three hens and all of them molted about the same time in September or October. All of them lost feathers, but my girl Florence lost the most. About 3 weeks ago, I took a short trip for about 5 days and had a friend watch my birds. She didn't let them out at all during that time...
  20. Yabadabadoo

    Help with Aggressive chick (or picked on chick, I am not 100% which)?

    Help with an aggressive chick???? New chick momma here... Yesterday we got chicks. We’ve had mature chickens for years, but this is the first time we have raised them ourselves. We brought home nine chicks yesterday afternoon (from a feed and tack store), some barred rocks, australorps, black...
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