
  1. B

    BCM mix pullets or cockerels

    Hi, i have a pair of Black copper marans but i dont think they are pure. I would just like a few suggestions on trying to identify the sexe of these chicks! They are between 8 and 9 weeks old Thanks! 1st 2nd Both
  2. C

    3 month old Silkies, hen or roo?

    Silkies are about 3 months old, no crowing yet. Looking at the buff & white silkies. White one was really difficult to get photos of. Hens or roo?
  3. C

    Lavender Easter Egger Sex?

    Bought this “sexed” Easter Egger but she started crowing. Is she actually a he or is she just crowing because she’s confused and there isn’t rooster?
  4. TheBirdBabe

    Hatchery sexed ducklings

    Hello everyone! Would anyone know which hatcheries sell sexed ducklings? I've found one so far, but I've found that most don't. I can't bring myself to have MORE MALES! 😅 Thanks!
  5. reesechickpic

    help me identify the breed and gender of my chicks

    The above chick was sold to us as a female ameracauna. I think it might be a cream legbar. Any thoughts? what do we think about this being a female production red? female the only thing I've found about this color pattern is that they might be hyline chicks...? any info about these? female...
  6. Victimtopoultrymath

    Buying sexed poults?

    Hi! I recently ran across a hatchery site selling sexed turkey poults, Valley of the Moon Turkeys. It is the ONLY site I have seen offering heritage breeds sexed. Is there any other company that does? My difficulty is that I need more hens, not toms, and by the time I am able to identify their...
  7. Mamaporter

    Midnight Majesty Marans chick- sexed “pullet” looking questionable...

    3 week old midnight majesty marans chick purchased as a pullet from TSC. I haven’t seen any obvious roo behaviors yet but the comb is big and the chick has small tail feathers(and some seriously huge feet )... what say you?
  8. D

    Did I get two males?

    Hello, I'm a first time quail owner and I just purchased two button quail online. I had asked for a mated pair, and I think I got two males instead. The breeder insists that I got a pair, but the more I look at them, the more uncertain I am. The brown one is definitely a male, as he has the bib...
  9. GreenBean13

    Ohio Hatcheries?

    I'm in NKY & looking into buying some Black Australorp female chicks come this fall. I'd want to go pick them up -- everything that comes through out USPS smells like heavy perfume/detergent. I don't wanna expose chicks to that. blah. Would prefer that the laying hens were fed non-GMO & would be...
  10. Jessi.Smith

    8 Week Old Polish Sexing

    I have 4 polish chickens that I ordered as sexed females. Some are starting to get waddles and the seem to have different top knots. They are 8 weeks old now. Blue is a white crested blue polish. She was being a little shy today, so the pics are a little dark. Taby is a white crested...
  11. ssafehavens

    What type of chickens do I have?

    Hello, friends! I’m Kay, a new chicken owner with my husband, Michael. We have 4 chicks who are nearly 4 weeks old. The issue is when we bought our chicks at our local Tractor Supply, they only said “Pellets”. They are sexed laying chickens, but I have no clue of the type we own. Since we are so...
  12. Chicky-bock-bock-mamma

    Just Hatched, lethargic! How to sex a Novogen Chick?

    I just had my chicks hatch last night, they are pretty lethargic, I gave some sugar water, hopefully the perk up! My questions are 1. How long till the littles perk up? 2. How to sex Novogens? Thanks for your help.
  13. Elizabeth1987

    Pros and Cons of having roosters?

    Hi, I just started raising chicks a week ago. I ordered 6 hens from MPC, but 3 died so now I am looking to buy more. The lady I found in my town that will sell to me doesn't sex them... and I've been pretty stubborn about only wanting hens. But I'm thinking about just going with it and seeing...
  14. Susanruthm

    How to identify Austra White gender

    I just joined Backyard Chickens. My family has just started our first flock, and this is my first post. We bought 8 - five-week old Austra White "hens" about 3 weeks ago. They all look the same, white with black spots. The Agway store sold them as hens, but said while it doesn't happen a...
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