sick chick

  1. L

    apple cider vinegar and Corid?

    Hi, I have a 5 day old chick. The chick has pasty butt and every time I wash its vent off it becomes clogged again. I've heard that apple cider vinegar helps with this, but you're supposed to put it in the chicks water and I already have Corid in my chicks water. Is it ok to have both Corid and...
  2. C

    HELP!!! Sick Chicken

    I've had this happen to one chicken before. It killed her. It's like a huge growth/abscess where the crop/breast is. Also, when she bends over to drink liquid seems to come out of her mouth. I separated her from the rest of the flock, and then gave her electrolytes, water, and food. It's hot...
  3. J

    Baby Chick Crop issues--please help!

    Hello. I'm new to raising chicks and need some help. We have 5 baby chicks that are about a week and a half old or so. One of them is much larger than the rest and has a full crop. I have been giving olive oil, massaging crop, giving yogurt, probiotics, etc. I can't seem to get the poor...
  4. lil bird lady1

    Lethargic chicks please help

    Silkie chicks, 10 weeks old, runny diarrhea, acting extremely lethargic, losing balance and falling over, dry eye and reluctant to open eyes, wings drooping when they walk, staring at the ground and reluctant to look up. One chick has already died from this, when they dies they were vomiting...
  5. MysticUniKitty

    Help; Chick occasionally not able to stand, had pasty butt

    So I brought in my new two tiny Brahma chicks as the hens kept blocking them in a corner of the chick area, which left them a little dehydrated and caused pasty butt to start up. Last night I scooped up both and brought them inside. washed their butts, got my electrolyte/vitamins powder I had...
  6. AKAdrien

    Baby Chick swollen eye lump

    Hi guys, I’m a first time chicken mom, so very new to this. We got 3 babies a week ago. Our barred rock chick is the littlest, I’m guessing 10 days old. Just this evening I noticed she has a lump above one of her eyes and it’s pushing on the eye. I didn’t notice anything there yesterday, but I...
  7. Theerwinhomestead

    Sick baby chick

    Hey there, I have a baby chick who is almost a week old. She seems lethargic, her wings are droopy, she has this click when she breaths and I noticed a lump near her right breast.... any help? I’m afraid she is going to die. She just kind of stands and the other ones are running around her, if...
  8. FrostyWind

    URGENT!!! HELP!! Baby chicks is Gasping as though it can't breathe!?

    Please Help! One of my silkie Chick is Gasping stretching out it's neck and it's eyes are closed! I dontd knso what to do! It was fine just a half hour ago and when I came to check on it, it was Gasping, stretching it's neck out, closed eyes and Shaking it's head real hard, throwing itself...
  9. M

    Need help quick for sick chick!

    I know this is the introductory page, but I need help...I'll introduce myself later. I don't even know if this is where I'm supposed to post! I have an Australope chick who is listless, stands in one spot with her head down and wings drooping. Will peep a little if I pick her up, but does not...
  10. Aporter0190

    Sick chick?

    I have a silkie chick I got from tractor supply Monday and I noticed today it’s been standing in one spot head down. It doesn’t run when I pick it up but it does get lively and wants back on the ground. It doesn’t lay down either.
  11. Aporter0190

    Odd chick

    I have a silkie chick I got from tractor supply Monday and I noticed today it’s been standing in one spot head down. It doesn’t run when I pick it up but it does get lively and want back down on the ground.
  12. ChickenLover741

    Lethargic and Weak Chick, I don't know what to do!

    I've recently purchased 12 chicks and while 11 of them are healthy and lively, one of them (small ameraucana) has been noticibly lethargic and wouldn't move from her spot under the heat lamp. Since she was being stepped on, I isolated her in a separate tote and put some electrolyte and probiotic...
  13. K

    Exchequer Leghorn chick HALF the size of my other 6 chicks?! Due to size difference or crossbeak?

    Hi Everyone, I’m new to posting but have been reading your threads for weeks, preparing for my first flock of 8 chicks. One died in the mail, which was heartbreaking, and I’m not sure if I’m being hyper sensitive about the others out of fear of losing another. PLEASE- any advice you have would...
  14. rascal66

    Help! Lethargic days old chick with infected looking naval

    Hello all, today I noticed one of my chicks I hatched late last week is very lethargic. I checked to find his abdomen coated in.. I dont know what. He seemed lethargic a few days ago, but after a nap he was up and eating and drinking, and I noticed the naval area had a scab looking thing. I...
  15. AMGoodner

    Sick Chick Please HELP

    I have a baby chick about 3 weeks old. She won't eat or drink unless we are syringe feeding her. She is very lethargic. I have give her electrolytes with plain yogurt and water. She started showing signs of improving and then took a turn down. What do I do, this is my first time raising chicks?
  16. Lady_Bat

    HELP!!!! I think our Dorking chick is dying right now

    First time chicken parents, we're used to having quail. We got a mixed flock (1 White Leghorn, 1 Cream Legbar, 1 Black Copper Maran, 1 Astralorp, 1 Speckled Sussex, 1 Barred Plymouth Rock, 1 Easter Egger, 1 Blue Easter Egger, 1 Light Brahma, 1 Silver Gray Dorking, 1 Buff Orphinton, 1...
  17. Rammy

    Baby chick lethargic

    I got some baby chicks from Ideal Thursday. They were all doing good even this morning when I cleaned thier brooder. I left forva couple hours and when I came back, one of the either Production Blacks, or my Jerset Giants is just laying there. Is there anything I can do? They look to be about a...
  18. B

    PLEASE HELP!! Sick Silkie chick!!

    PLEASE HELP!! :hit:hit:hit My little blue silkie Ethel is sick!!! She’s about a month and a week old, and she’s been perfectly healthy up to now. Always the first to the food bowl. Today, I noticed a weird sound coming from the brooder. A high pitched peep I’d never heard out of any of my...
  19. orangesplash

    Why do chicks breathe heavily & open and close their mouths?

    my 2.5 week old polish chick is opening and closing its mouth. Is this a good medicine regime? Tylan-oral Multivitamin Paracetamol Or Amoxicillin or any other antibiotic? I’m really worried.
  20. S

    My chick is sick, how can I help her?

    recently we hatched chicks via incubator and also under a mother chicken. Since then we have put them all together in the one pen and there has been no issues. About a week ago one of the chicks wasn’t walking so we took her out and had her in a separate cage. We read that she may have a...
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