silver appleyard

  1. 3bird

    Switching Ducks to Developer Feed - Suggestions

    Hi, All. Our seven week old silver Appleyard ducklings are ready to switch to a developer feed per Holderread's recommendations. They have been eating a 17% grower crumble since week 3 with oatmeal, brewer's yeast and grit mixed in. Our guys are now foraging most days in the garden, and they...
  2. 3bird

    Are we ready to brood our first ducks?!

    Well....7-8 weeks seemed so far off, but today is the day we bring the recently hatched, 6 or 7 silver appleyards home! Here is our brooder set-up. Do we look ready? To be honest we are the most nervous about providing them water in a way that is both not too messy and makes it easy for them to...
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