
  1. D

    Loosing weight, withdrawn, unsocial, wants to sleep all day, sticky eye lids, no interest in food

    Hello all, First of all, this thread isnt asking for help. Im here to help anyone who has a duck with similar symptoms. Peach the white Peking Duck was approx 10 months old when she started loosing weight and excreting bright green poop. I had read somewhere on here that it was bad. Peach was a...
  2. WeNeedDrPhil

    Rooster losing balance and sleepy.

    Hey everyone! I must say the past month and some change was pretty rough for me. My hen with canker unfortunately passed away despite my (and your!) efforts. And now my rooster seems to be sick also. I have already confirmed by peeking into his beak that it is not canker, which was the cause of...
  3. RenoHuskerDu

    Young 'un sleeps too much and sneezes

    She's just a few months old. We bought three like her to start laying in a few months. The others are fine, but this one got picked on more than the other two for a few days. She's a bit smaller, she sleeps half of the day away, and we hear her sneeze from time to time. She's quarantined now in...
  4. E.D.GardenFarm

    Chicken all fluffed up, lethargic, won't eat/drink, watery poop. She doesn't seem well, what do I do

    1) What type of bird, age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others? We're not 100% sure as we got her from a rescue group, she is an ex-caged hen, she is about 15 months, I don't know about her weight 2) What is the behavior, exactly? She was staying under a...
  5. R

    Nocturnal Chicken??

    Is there such a thing as a nocturnal chicken?? HAHA!! I have one 3 yr. old hen that seems fine in every way, but she loves to sleep during the day time! She eats & drinks well, her poo is fine, she lays eggs. She seems sleepy all day, but then come evening, she seems wide awake! As silly as it...
  6. Dani & Mikey

    Lazy or something more?

    Ok, friends, talk me through this. Are my chickens just tired/lazy from a full day yesterday or should I be concerned? They had a very full day yesterday including their first free range field trip, and learning about the awful terrible lawn mower. They had a good day and were all happy at the...
  7. Resi

    snoozy chook

    hi guys wonder if you could help me. my australorp cross hen (about 18 months old) is keeping her eyes closed and is hunched up. I brought her in (veranda daytime, indoors at night - its getting colder here - NE Vic- at night) 2 days ago and she seems to be deteriorating but then perks up, has...
  8. G

    HELP! Found chicken from truck, seems very ill

    Hey everyone, My girlfriend works at a vet and 2 days ago someone brought in a chicken that had called off a chicken transport truck. The vets were going to euthanize it and my girlfriend took it(we used to have chickens so we had all the materials/experience). It is staying at our house right...
  9. chicken singer

    Recumbent chickens

    Hello chicken community, A couple months ago I posted a forum regarding one of my chickens being very lazy around the yard. What I thought had gone away has returned, and I am again concerned that something is very wrong with my hen. Cheeko is showing symptoms of being recumbent. She will stand...
  10. Silkie_Mom

    Another Sick Silkie...

    I know there is another post below mine about a sick silkie but I wanted to make a separate post for myself. I know kittens and puppies sometimes get a little discharge from their eyes that gets crusty and you can use a bit of warm water to help open it again. Is it the same with chickens? Is...
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