swolen leg

  1. E

    red swollen leg ?!?

    help, one of our chicks got caught in between the incubator sections and her leg is red and swollen, it looks really bad and we don’t know what to do, we can’t put a splint on it like we have in the past as it is closer to the body
  2. Moodyzebra

    Swollen leg

    So I need some advice. I picked up 4 hens yesterday evening and when out feeding them this morning I noticed one of the girls had a swollen foot. I pick her up to have a closer look and was horrified to find big black scab on her foot as well has an embedded zip tie. Now I don’t know if the leg...
  3. A

    Baby chicken swolen leg, can't bend it, can't walk

    Hi everyone. I have a baby chicken who is 5 days old. The chick can't walk properly because of its right leg, wich is in a weird position(pointed to the right) and seems to be a little swolen in its knee area. The other leg is fine. The chick can only crawl and I haven't see her eating at all. I...
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