
  1. StrivingForBetter

    DIY Incubator

    I just started my first batch of incubating on the 7th (a dozen lavender Orpington eggs and a dozen blue laced red wyandotte eggs) in some homemade forced air styrofoam incubators. So far the temps are stabilizing really well (one at around 100 and the other at 99.5) But my humidity is low (I...
  2. A


    Hi! I am new to this chicken world. A few of my cousins have chickens and I became very interested by them so I decided to get 2 Ameraucana chicks. This is my first time raising chickens and I am so excited! Any tips or helpful links please share I would love for all your help!
  3. Draculasgrl

    Please Help, Need Advice

    Hello, all! I am not a breeder, but have future interests in it when I'm hopefully better able to. I need some help and advice. I have what I believe is a gambel chick. We had a bad dust/wind storm yesterday afternoon and two wild kids were displaced from their cubby. I waited and watched...
  4. O

    Keeping cool in the summer

    I'm in california and we have officially hit 100° weather. I'm wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks to keep my babies refreshed and cool for the already dreaded summer. All ideas are appreciated. Thanks :)
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