weight loss of eggs

  1. EmuMom

    Did I ruin my eggs?

    I started 9 emu eggs in a little giant foam incubator. They spent a week in there before my cabinet incubator arrived. The temps and humidity were all over the place. I calculated the desired weight loss per week for each egg based on a 15% total weight loss over 55 days. None of my eggs met the...
  2. chickenreyna

    how hot should eggs feel during incubation. and how much weight should egg lose per week. ?

    Warm. .. Slightly hot? or like room temperature. Or does it vary? The other day, .i turned them and they felt l too warm. Closer to hot side. Im going on day 9 tomorrow and everything was normal but One time the eggs felt way warmer than ever before. Question number 2: My eggs are colored and...
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