~•-SeaBand - A RP of the Chincoteague Pony Band-•~ FINALLY a new plot!

With whom, do we have enough people?

I think so....

Well then, there's an option!
I think so....

Well then, there's an option!


We've gone to war before actually. Back when we had the Hippocampi.
I don't know, Gerbil and I were talking and then it got weird, then it got smart-ish, then it got all Leave-y.

Translation: It wasn't exactly an idea at first, but we started talking about it and thought it would be cool, but then Gerbil had to leave.
I killed it.

Marie boredly walked around SeaBand, wishing she had someone to talk to. She wondered where her friends had gone, and didn't realize that deep glistening eyes watched ffrom within the forest.

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