~•-SeaBand - A RP of the Chincoteague Pony Band-•~ FINALLY a new plot!

You're gonna write a Teen Fiction? That'll be cool :D You're already a Good Writer
Well, I can't do much, I can work with horses, and animals, I can draw, and I can write. I do want to get married, and at least have foster children, I admit, maybe one kid of my own. Maybe. But I want to be at home with my family, when I was younger my mom worked, and I remember that I was happier when she was at home. I'll want to still feel useful sitting at home, I have some ideas.
Tune up horses (I've done it before, surprisingly easy if you know what you're doing)
Art (I plan on expanding out of just horses into other subjects)
Teen Fiction (I love writing, and fiction, and adult novels either scare me or bore me)
I may be a good writer but I want to be good enough for kids to want to read my books.
Same, but some just get to Me..Like the Babies...Fiesty lil' Things! Haha, but the Big Ones Scare me -__- I don't know why..!
I used to have a pet raccoon, he got along with my dog and me just fine. Scooter was actually pretty sweet, he let me hold him without clawing me.

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