~•~The Crazy Pullets of BYC!~•~

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Sadly i dont have a any pictures of my dragons (i never bother to upload my drawings) but yes, one of them could eat that. In two bites.

Panzer 38s are a sniper of tanks, first off there is that cannon on top, then there are 2 50 cal. machine guns on it to

And Sokorian dragons are big enough to carry a castle on their backs, with teeth that are harder than even adamant. Little tank no match for dragon!!!
Panzer 38s are a sniper of tanks, first off there is that cannon on top, then there are 2 50 cal. machine guns on it to

And Sokorian dragons are big enough to carry a castle on their backs, with teeth that are harder than even adamant. Little tank no match for dragon!!!

oh. well you didn't mention that XD

maybe 25 Maus tanks, 30 King Tiger tanks, and a few Giant Thantras
And Sokorian dragons are big enough to carry a castle on their backs, with teeth that are harder than even adamant. Little tank no match for dragon!!!

oh. well you didn't mention that XD

maybe 25 Maus tanks, 30 King Tiger tanks, and a few Giant Thantras

Pff, then we bring out the Tokorian army. Or at the very least the berserkiri guard.
oh. well you didn't mention that XD

maybe 25 Maus tanks, 30 King Tiger tanks, and a few Giant Thantras

Pff, then we bring out the Tokorian army. Or at the very least the berserkiri guard.

if there was a way to make a giant thantra go bazirk, they would stand no chance! (a giant thantra is a huge flying animal that carried cities on Alderaan before it got blown up by the death star)
the German SS could take them!
Pff, then we bring out the Tokorian army. Or at the very least the berserkiri guard.

if there was a way to make a giant thantra go bazirk, they would stand no chance! (a giant thantra is a huge flying animal that carried cities on Alderaan before it got blown up by the death star)
the German SS could take them!

Ok, well then we get together all the dragons and the 16 chieftains and all the armies or Sokore and we FIGHT!!!
((I have a horrible feeling that nobody knows what on earth im talking about))
if there was a way to make a giant thantra go bazirk, they would stand no chance! (a giant thantra is a huge flying animal that carried cities on Alderaan before it got blown up by the death star)
the German SS could take them!

Ok, well then we get together all the dragons and the 16 chieftains and all the armies or Sokore and we FIGHT!!!
((I have a horrible feeling that nobody knows what on earth im talking about))

theres one small problem for all those people: guns and airplanes

airplanes because even a single SBD Dauntless divebomber can take out a japanese carrier or battleship if it droped the bomb at the right time!

even WWII era airplanes could most likly out fly a dragon, especially the Komet (the first and only jet that used a missle engine. it was capable of mach 1, which was amazing back in 1945)
sure you have arrows, but they aren't as accurate and stong as guns such as the M1 Granad. and if they have a lot of armor; bring out the anti-tank guns and anti tank rifles!

this is a friendly debate, right Tani
Ok, well then we get together all the dragons and the 16 chieftains and all the armies or Sokore and we FIGHT!!!
((I have a horrible feeling that nobody knows what on earth im talking about))

theres one small problem for all those people: guns and airplanes

airplanes because even a single SBD Dauntless divebomber can take out a japanese carrier or battleship if it droped the bomb at the right time!

even WWII era airplanes could most likly out fly a dragon, especially the Komet (the first and only jet that used a missle engine. it was capable of mach 1, which was amazing back in 1945)
sure you have arrows, but they aren't as accurate and stong as guns such as the M1 Granad. and if they have a lot of armor; bring out the anti-tank guns and anti tank rifles!

this is a friendly debate, right Tani

Yes, very friendly... (as friendly as a debate between the WWII geek and the author can possibly be)
Of course, one can always fight better if one is semi-immortal, super strong, and can shoot fire out of one's hands. just a thought.
theres one small problem for all those people: guns and airplanes

airplanes because even a single SBD Dauntless divebomber can take out a japanese carrier or battleship if it droped the bomb at the right time!

even WWII era airplanes could most likly out fly a dragon, especially the Komet (the first and only jet that used a missle engine. it was capable of mach 1, which was amazing back in 1945)
sure you have arrows, but they aren't as accurate and stong as guns such as the M1 Granad. and if they have a lot of armor; bring out the anti-tank guns and anti tank rifles!

this is a friendly debate, right Tani

Yes, very friendly... (as friendly as a debate between the WWII geek and the author can possibly be)
Of course, one can always fight better if one is semi-immortal, super strong, and can shoot fire out of one's hands. just a thought.

have 1000 soldiers act as one and each one carring metal that can shoot fire and metal at very fast speeds

plus there are flamethrowers

the German MG 42 can shoot 1500 rounds per minute or 25 rounds per second! that ought to mow down guys

and there is the Panzerfaust; a kind of rocket launcher thats rocket has a huge explosive at the end, it can rip huge holes in tanks that have 4 inches of armor!
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Yes, very friendly... (as friendly as a debate between the WWII geek and the author can possibly be)
Of course, one can always fight better if one is semi-immortal, super strong, and can shoot fire out of one's hands. just a thought.

have 1000 soldiers act as one and each one carring metal that can shoot fire and metal at very fast speeds

plus there are flamethrowers

the German MG 42 can shoot 1500 rounds per minute or 25 rounds per second! that ought to mow down guys

and there is the Panzerfaust; a kind of rocket launcher thats rocket has a huge explosive at the end, it can rip huge holes in tanks that have 4 inches of armor!

Well, try 400,000 soldiers acting as one, and see how your 1000 humans fare. Metal can be stopped by the shields (magic and otherwise) and the armor, which is thick and made of a compound called Sokorian steel, which was made to withstand demon attacks. Typical flamethrowers would melt if Tai (the hero of the story) used feindfyre, which burns hundreds of times hotter than typical fire. Sokorian berserkiri were created as demon hunters, fast, brutal, and immune to pain and fear. They have venom in their claws and teeth, can shapeshift (they have both a human form and an animal form) and practice the most deadly martial art, known in Sokore as Kokiado.

Shells might kill or maim a few, i'll give you that. But as soon as a berserkir got to one of those things, it would be metal scraps and one dead Nazi in a matter of milliseconds.
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