~•~The Crazy Pullets of BYC!~•~

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have 1000 soldiers act as one and each one carring metal that can shoot fire and metal at very fast speeds

plus there are flamethrowers

the German MG 42 can shoot 1500 rounds per minute or 25 rounds per second! that ought to mow down guys

and there is the Panzerfaust; a kind of rocket launcher thats rocket has a huge explosive at the end, it can rip huge holes in tanks that have 4 inches of armor!

Well, try 400,000 soldiers acting as one, and see how your 1000 humans fare. Metal can be stopped by the shields (magic and otherwise) and the armor, which is thick and made of a compound called Sokorian steel, which was made to withstand demon attacks. Typical flamethrowers would melt if Tai (the hero of the story) used feindfyre, which burns hundreds of times hotter than typical fire. Sokorian berserkiri were created as demon hunters, fast, brutal, and immune to pain and fear. They have venom in their claws and teeth, can shapeshift (they have both a human form and an animal form) and practice the most deadly martial art, known in Sokore as Kokiado.

Shells might kill or maim a few, i'll give you that. But as soon as a berserkir got to one of those things, it would be metal scraps and one dead Nazi in a matter of milliseconds.

according to awnsers.com: 13 million germans fought in WWII (thats only those who fought)

you still can't beat the airplanes and jets.

and what if the other powers of the world at the time came into play. Russians (you probably know this as you are Russian) are some of the toughest breed of human out there! and then theres the die hard Japanese who'd rather die than be captured. and Americans who have never lost a war
and brits who are always in the wars first
Nope, not gonna happen. Sokorians would bring out all their allies: the elves, the dragons, centaurs, Unpeyai, and other magic folk.
Besides, they could just set this world on fire (it does happen in the stories, but Tai manages to save about 10,000 humans from it)
ETA: The Sokorians arent human, being semi-immortal, there really isnt much that humans can make that would kill one. Sorry.
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Well, try 400,000 soldiers acting as one, and see how your 1000 humans fare. Metal can be stopped by the shields (magic and otherwise) and the armor, which is thick and made of a compound called Sokorian steel, which was made to withstand demon attacks. Typical flamethrowers would melt if Tai (the hero of the story) used feindfyre, which burns hundreds of times hotter than typical fire. Sokorian berserkiri were created as demon hunters, fast, brutal, and immune to pain and fear. They have venom in their claws and teeth, can shapeshift (they have both a human form and an animal form) and practice the most deadly martial art, known in Sokore as Kokiado.

Shells might kill or maim a few, i'll give you that. But as soon as a berserkir got to one of those things, it would be metal scraps and one dead Nazi in a matter of milliseconds.

according to awnsers.com: 13 million germans fought in WWII (thats only those who fought)

you still can't beat the airplanes and jets.

and what if the other powers of the world at the time came into play. Russians (you probably know this as you are Russian) are some of the toughest breed of human out there! and then theres the die hard Japanese who'd rather die than be captured. and Americans who have never lost a war
and brits who are always in the wars first

Quite a few of those were children, I believe.
if you want to bring in some things i think (but i never write it)

just imagine millions of people that are all like Chuck Norris!

wait, you don't need more than one Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris beats all.

see, anti-bacterial soap can kill 99% of germs. Chuck Norris can kill 100% of whatever he wants. including all germans (and other humans) and all of whatever you've been talking about

and if you want to exclude Chuck Norris, theres always Starwars. theres more than one planet, and many different species, and the force!
if you want to bring in some things i think (but i never write it)

just imagine millions of people that are all like Chuck Norris!

wait, you don't need more than one Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris beats all.

see, anti-bacterial soap can kill 99% of germs. Chuck Norris can kill 100% of whatever he wants. including all germans (and other humans) and all of whatever you've been talking about

and if you want to exclude Chuck Norris, theres always Starwars. theres more than one planet, and many different species, and the force!

Well, its a theory that Chuck is a Sokorian. Take that!

And since Sokorians are the guardians of the universe... they can get to every planet. And with a simple death spell, destroy all life on said planet. But they wouldnt do that, beacsue they are the good guys.
if you want to bring in some things i think (but i never write it)

just imagine millions of people that are all like Chuck Norris!

wait, you don't need more than one Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris beats all.

see, anti-bacterial soap can kill 99% of germs. Chuck Norris can kill 100% of whatever he wants. including all germans (and other humans) and all of whatever you've been talking about

and if you want to exclude Chuck Norris, theres always Starwars. theres more than one planet, and many different species, and the force!

Well, its a theory that Chuck is a Sokorian. Take that!

And since Sokorians are the guardians of the universe... they can get to every planet. And with a simple death spell, destroy all life on said planet. But they wouldnt do that, beacsue they are the good guys.

phphphphphph there are Jedis who could beat anything! plus you got die hard lowlife lifeforms all over many planets. plus theres the "Sun Crusher" its much better than the death star. the death star can destroy planets but the sun crusher can destroy whole star systems! it is nearly indistuctable because of its Quantum-crystalline armor.

i parafrsed from wookiepedia btw
ok, i have to go soon anyways.

lets just settle it at starwars beats all, ok?

For the sake of not arguing anymore, i shall agree, even though i totally disagree.

nice to talk to you
ok, i have to go soon anyways.

lets just settle it at starwars beats all, ok?

For the sake of not arguing anymore, i shall agree, even though i totally disagree.

nice to talk to you

my brother could explain to you all about how Starwars could beat anything (hes a starwars junky) but i agree, lets quit arguing XD

nite nite!
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