«We Could be Heroes» chatterbox

Well...well... I have a scar from some really bad poison ivy one time! A-and another one from an ice skating fall. I am tough. I am fearsome.

Have you fallen on playground equipment when you were 4 had to go to the hospital get 17 stitches and then get told that the wound was about an inch from hitting your skull?

Thats how I got my scar So much blood loss...
Good girl? GOOD GIRL?! im triggered ive been a rouge since i was about three I EVEN HAVE A SCAR ON MY HEAD TO PROVE HOW MUCH OF A ROUGE I AM
Ouch! How'd you get it? I've got one nasty scar right below my elbow. One of my horses got a good chunk out of it but most of it is healed.. I've also got a big ol' burn from when I was 5.. Climbed onto a stove the was on and burned my leg.

Well...well... I have a scar from some really bad poison ivy one time! A-and another one from an ice skating fall. I am tough. I am fearsome.
Oh my lordy lord you poor child have been through so much :hugs
Ouch! How'd you get it? I've got one nasty scar right below my elbow. One of my horses got a good chunk out of it but most of it is healed.. I've also got a big ol' burn from when I was 5.. Climbed onto a stove the was on and burned my leg.

Oh my lordy lord you poor child have been through so much :hugs

goodness :hugs

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