«We Could be Heroes» chatterbox

you guys are lucky your relatives actually visit you...

Mine don't, and I am happy about that. If they did, we would have over seventy people in our tiny house, mostly annoying children.

I've been thinking the same thing! :lau I think i'll just stick with my handy pencil eyeliners for now. Besides a little foundation and some mascara I normally don't really wear makeup much.. I just find it time consuming :barnie

I wear eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush, mascara, concealer, & sometimes lip stick.

Ew, no. That's messy. Fill a syringe with air and stick it inbetween their toes as you whisper 'lights out'. Looks like a heart attack on the biopsy... thing

No, you've got to get a sniper rifle on the other building. After you kill the person, soak the place in bleach, burn the building, get plastic surgery to cover up what you look like & move to a different planet.

Don't listen to me, the only shows I like watching are crime. Don't kill anybody. But if you do, don't get caught.

I'm a terrible influence.

Seriously, don't take anything i say literally.

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