«We Could be Heroes» chatterbox

Hmm, k. maybe get a list of people who want to have an interrogation scene with the police? I think Ash's and Gage's interrogation would be particularly interesting.
Breyer and Sammy too. Aubrey seems to have surrendered herself to the cops to join the group but i think she's coming across a bit more as a police planted mole to everyone.
>.< and I'm not sure the cops see her as a bad guy she's 7 and helped them catch the group. or know what to do with her lol. Tayn would claim responsibility to the dead apt. owner.
River would be a interesting interrogation :p
Hey! Guess what? We might need to change the meet times again! Most frustrating rp in the world, right? :rant

Uh, yeah so my job... I gotta work late, so since you all would miss me so much because you all love me because I am awesome, I was wondering if we could move it earlier in the day? Because 2:00 (eastern) is the latest I will be able to do for several weeks.

If this is not possible, we would just have to revert to a non-scheduled rp and give up the two hours of fire that we've been enjoying.

Or. You could just go on without me. Leave me lying here. Tell them I don't care. *Gasp choke cough cough* :th

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