«We Could be Heroes» chatterbox

Mmkay, so what is the most awesome thing that could happen? I mean, we've got a wyvern flying around shooting fire that I think is incredibly awesome and if Gage couldn't fly on his own two wings I would be insisting piggyback rides because 1: its awesome and 2: what safer place in the midst of war than on the back if that fire-breathing hunk of awesome? 3: its awesome.
What else could happen?
We could rip some guns out of that hummer and start handing them out to the good guys THEN WE WOULD HAVE CENTAURS WITH AUTOMATIC WEAPONS. And since the tank is taken out, we might have a fair chance at winning.
Leona could bust out some unforseen power, since that's totally normal.
The shapeshifters form a pack of wolves and take over the other hummers.
But the other guys haVE BOMBS OH NO. Shoot em all out of the sky!

YAS. River could help the shapeshirters maybe cuz she half wolf :p
For some reason I really want a pirate RP.
The pirates will have to fight other pirates (default characters) for their loot, of course. There can be sea monsters to fight too. Also, over time other ships begin to vanish one by one until finally the pirates barely ever come across other pirate ships. Then at some point, their own ship can sink and the pirates almost drown or die of hyperthermia, but a clan of kind mermaids save them and brings them to a really awesome underwater city. Plot twist that the sea monsters were just trying to deter the pirates from the water because they knew the mermaids were actually evil and imprisoning humans.
For some reason I really want a pirate RP.
The pirates will to fight other pirates (default characters) for their loot, of course. There can be sea monsters to fight too. Also, over time other ships begin to vanish one by one until finally the pirates barely ever come across other pirate ships. Then at some point, their own ship can sink and the pirates almost drown or die of hyperthermia, but a clan of kind mermaids save them and brings them to a really awesome underwater city. Plot twist that the sea monsters were just trying to deter the pirates from the water because they knew the mermaids were actually evil and imprisoning humans.

That sounds cool!
That sounds cool!

That's just a quick idea that was running through my head, but there would have to be a whole lot of other details for it to all make sense. Like why haven't the sea monsters just simply attacked all the mermaids? I was thinking there could be an invisible force field around the underwater city that only the mermaids can alter to get themselves and the humans through. How would the humans not just drown when they are taken by the mermaids? Perhaps the mermaids can put a bubble of some sort around the humans' heads so they can breath. Hm, what other details would need to be added?
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That's just a quick idea that was running through my head, but there would have to be a whole lot of other details for it to all make sense. Like why haven't the sea monsters just simply attacked all the mermaids? I was thinking there could be an invisible force field around the underwater city that only the mermaids can alter to get themselves and the humans through. How would the humans not just drown when they are taken by the mermaids? Perhaps the mermaids can put a bubble of some sort around the humans' heads so they can breath. Hm, what other details would need to be added?
Why the mermaids are catching and imprisoning the humans. Love this idea!

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