°The Flight of the Burritos° A RP of Dorito's Vengeance

Salad this isn't AFOG XD

George explodes poison ivy seeds everywhere and they stick into everything, even the burritos who aren't really burritos.
Bert begins to scratch himself. "Me haz da ITCHEEIZ!" He jumps around and drops George. And accidentally steps on George's head (if that's ok with you, Zelda. XD).

"How do I get rid of the itchy ITCHINESS!!! ITCHY ITCHY SCRAAAAATCHEEEESSSZ!!!!!! POOOOOISOOON IVVVYY!" he scratches and jumps and hollers and runs and then he sneezes cuz Bert has allergies that are triggered by flour, water, oil and salt mixed together (like tortillas).

The whole world is covered in the abominable snowman's snot. Sleet. :cool:
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