мocĸιngjay'ѕ claѕrooм: pнoтo edιтιng ~ New Lesson UP!


Assi. #2 ~ B-, the colors really clash and and the quote, again, looks like its pasted on with glue. The font and color of quote also clash with each other. I do like how you put it in the frame, though. Overall, it was okay, could be better though. :)


Assi #2 ~ A+, This was one of my favorites out of the group! The colors, frame, picture, and quote all work together very smoothly! Although, If you would have used overlay, or something similar it would of been even better!


Assi. 1# ~ B+, I like how the edges of the chicken are very refined, and how the background has less color. Although, you could of used a harder sepia or greyscale to pop even more. Also, if you had cropped the photo and moved the text down you would of gotten a better score. Other then that I like it! :)

hmm... do you think I could redo it?
Hey MJ, I'm really sorry about this, but I'm going to have to drop this PS class. My life is going crazy...I'm going crazy, I'm really busy with animals and 4-H, school, so I'll have to drop this. :'( I love this class and you explain things so nicely to where I can understand it; but I'm not sending in my assignments on time and I'm getting behind so I'm going to quit. But I'll check in every once in awhile here to see how things are going.

You don't have to quit Woo! I really don't care if assignments are turned in on time, just so'long as they get in one way or another. :p IF you really wanna quit I can give you some tips through PM!


Assi. #2: I like it! A+! The only thing I didn't like was that I couldn't read some of the text, otherwise good job!
You don't have to quit Woo! I really don't care if assignments are turned in on time, just so'long as they get in one way or another. :p IF you really wanna quit I can give you some tips through PM!


Assi. #2: I like it! A+! The only thing I didn't like was that I couldn't read some of the text, otherwise good job!

Tips through PM would be nice. :p
You don't have to quit Woo! I really don't care if assignments are turned in on time, just so'long as they get in one way or another. :p IF you really wanna quit I can give you some tips through PM!


Assi. #2: I like it! A+! The only thing I didn't like was that I couldn't read some of the text, otherwise good job!

Thanks. ^_^

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