“It’s hot in Texas…..”

Poor chickens! I am a new chicken owner in Central Texas and when this heat wave began I was so worried about my hens! I totally believe your egg was cooked! I have found a solution. I put a deep layer of sand along one side of the run (which is shaded). A couple times a day, I soak down the sand with water. As soon as they walk around on it with their big feet it starts to cool them down. They lay on it all day and kick up the damp sand underneath their feathers.
Tried putting flagstones in very shallow water in a shallow tub. They couldn't figure it out. 😏
I put ice blocks out in casserole dishes or pie pans, or a shallow plastic container of ice. The first time I did it, it took them a while to figure out what the heck it was. I kept "pecking" with my "beak" (finger), and eventually they tried it and figured it out. Also I took a couple hens and poked their beaks in the water. They didn't like that much, but now they get excited when I come out with their ice blocks.
You could put out kiddie pools with water too. They will stand in it and it cools them down.
haha I tried that one few years ago and for the life of me I could not get anyone into the pool, I even put some corn kernels in it thinking they got to go for them. No luck. After several days I gave up. Yep we are at 105F right now and it is real temp no heat index, So I have been spraying the sand in their runs in the afternoons, added electrolytes to their water and of course they have fans in their coops. It helps a little even though the fans just move the hot air around it feels better.

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