“Peacocks can’t fly?!?”


Mar 26, 2017
Long Island, NY
Someone at work showed me this, thought you all would enjoy.

I saw that on the news... The lady who owned it tried bringing it onto the plain just like that, Without a crate, with everyone else.. The people of course didn't allow it though.
I've been following this story in the news as well. I do feel bad that the bird was not allowed on the plane. But she was told over the phone 3 times prior to coming to the airport that the bird would not be allowed on the plane. So I feel like she went ahead and did it to make a scene. In my opinion, common sense would tell me that such a large bird would not be allowed into the cabin of the plane. I could see them letting a bantam chicken or maybe a small duck, but not a full grown male peacock.
I just can't understand how that bird hadn't pooped anywhere yet. I pick mine up for 30 seconds and there is poop down my clothes. LOL

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