•STAR WARS & MARVEL (RP) “The SWaM Universe”•

Blaque sorted the money. "You're expensive." He joked, putting the credits in bandit's paw. "Thanks. We could use your help again.
*shard peeked around one corner. He spotted blaque and bandit (are they aboard their ship??). He would have run off, but his hunger, and nose told him there was some small animal (a rat), behind them, so he went to try and sneak toward it.*
"Sure, tell the piolet to fly to the base, we'll board there for the night. The rooms there are I must say, much more comfortable than the cabin on the ship."
“Sure thing.. Blaque.” Bandit dared instead of calling him ‘boss’. Laughing, he raced towards the Colo II and had Roller start up the engines.
What a burden it was to feel fear or shock or even hesitation! Now Charlie felt none of these and she felt so free to make her own actions.
"Shhh." Charlie made a noise like the water brushing up against the shore.
Hex cocked her head. She had never hear such an oddly calm sound from one of these two-legged creatures. Experimentally, she made a rumbling growl sound, almost sounding like a purr of some sort- trying to copy the weird girl’s sound.
Hex cocked her head. She had never hear such an oddly calm sound from one of these two-legged creatures. Experimentally, she made a rumbling growl sound, almost sounding like a purr of some sort- trying to copy the weird girl’s sound.
Trying a different tactic, Charlie imitated the creature, turning her head slowly and staring up at hex, blinking slowly.

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