•STAR WARS & MARVEL (RP) “The SWaM Universe”•

Charlie brought the teetering bowl of steaks over to the creature, pushing them into the bars of the cage.
Hex growled, until she caught the smell of meat. The girl was.. giving her food? Nothing like this had happened to Hex before. She sniffed it, but was too hungry to be suspicious, and quickly ate all of the synthsteaks. When she was done, she made an odd chirping sound- happy.
Name: Jen Ellon
Age: 17
Gender: female
Blipped: No
Species: human
Home Planet: Alderaan
Looks: light brownish hair usually tied in a loose bun or ponytail, fair skin, and brown eyes. She usually wears a green tunic with brown pants and black boots or shoes.
Occupation: Jedi
Personality: calm, stubborn, quiet, independent
Other: when scavenging in the forests of Alderaan (not a scavenger for a living, just wanted to make some extra money), she found a blue lightsaber. Now she's planning on heading to Naboo for more information on Jedi and lightsabers, after hearing a rumor that there was a Jedi there.
( @Misfits Farm 92 are you going to do anything with this? I kinda want to get Ariel a little bit more into the actual story.)
( @Misfits Farm 92 are you going to do anything with this? I kinda want to get Ariel a little bit more into the actual story.)
(Yeah, I'm sorry. Sometimes I don't realize how long it's been since I've checked BYC.)

Jen stepped off the ship onto the planet of Naboo. Similarly to her home planet, it was known for it's beauty and she could see why. Soon, she found herself walking down one of the many streets of the city. She wasn't sure exactly where to start in looking for a jedi.
Hex growled, until she caught the smell of meat. The girl was.. giving her food? Nothing like this had happened to Hex before. She sniffed it, but was too hungry to be suspicious, and quickly ate all of the synthsteaks. When she was done, she made an odd chirping sound- happy.
Charlie stepped into the cage, taking the empty bowl out.

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