≈≈≈≈Life Of A Show Chicken RP!≈≈≈≈

Eddy was grooming himself so he would look 100% perfect! Eddy wished he could see how is comb looked. He peeked back and saw his tail and arranged the feathers so they were in perfect order.

Ariana (Snapple Eddy and Cluck's owner) kept all her show chickens in a coop while the rest of her flock free - ranged. Snapple looked out a window and imagined being aloud outside. She hated the world of show. She didn't care about looks, she just wanted to know what was outside. Snapple longed to be free-range.

Cluck tried to be positive, she once was upset about not being free-range but she decided to try her best in the shows. So, she didn't complain.
'I simply want to go outside, is it so hard to grant my wish" Complained Snapple. "Well, maybe you would like being a show chicken if you were as pretty as me.." Bragged Eddy. Cluck stood silent.
Zoro sat in his pen preening his feathers till they looked perfect. He couldnt wait to get out there and show off. Heidi did the same.
Dakota munched at her feed then layed down in the bedding.
Conswala looked at the other chickens around her. She new the show was in a few hours.
Name: Flame
Age: 1
Gender: rooster
Personality: very very competitive. One best in show, best of the breed at most of the shows hes been to and he loves to brag.
Breed: phinox
Adopted from: a long line of purebred phinoxs from a breeder

Owner: Faith
Username: polish
salt and pepper were taking a dust bath when andy (can i just say i?) was getting ready to take them to the show. salt was egg-cited to get away from the ol' chicken run, but pepper didn't really care, she just kinda likes to go with the flow. fetima tells them to preen themselves and get ready to go. pretty soon andy loaded all three of them up in the car and drove them off to the chicken show.

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