◇ Throne of Deceit ◇ (An Elemental RP)

Irma stepped aside to allow the Pastor to begin speaking, sorrow in her eyes at the sight of Divinity giving her life away to a man, but neither a frown nor a smile sat upon her face so nobody knew her true opinion.

Divinity avoided Damon’s gaze as she looked at the crowd of people who had gathered to see her exchange vows, reminding herself of the lives that would be lost if she didn't follow through. Her attention returned to the pastor as he called Damon’s name.
"I do." Damon announced proudly, he had promised to love her among many other things but not in the way they thought. Damon’s love was different from the definition others would claim for that action.
(Me neither. And it is a darn shame, but I can't say I'm surprised. I've seen his posts, and he's broken nearly every BYC role play rule they have us repost every role play.
Yes, I do too. The longer we wait the less popular this RP will become.)
(You're right :/ )
Divinity avoided Damon’s gaze as she looked at the crowd of people who had gathered to see her exchange vows, reminding herself of the lives that would be lost if she didn't follow through. Her attention returned to the pastor as he called Damon’s name.
"I do." Damon announced proudly, he had promised to love her among many other things but not in the way they thought. Damon’s love was different from the definition others would claim for that action.
Irma sighed quietly and sadly, wishing that this didn't have to happen, but she knew she was powerless to stop anything. She'd just have to give Divinity emotional support, for that was part of her job.
Divinity straightned her composure as Damon looked to her with a menacing grin. She knew what he wanted from her. He wanted to her to scuirm beneath his gaze, to cower from him, but she vowed that she wouldn't. But as the pastor words were directed towards her, and she saw everyone anxiously waiting for to repeat her vows, to agree to give her life to Damon, she suddenly felt the weight of the world upon her shoulders. She looked to the crowd for hope of finding relief, but slowly returned her gaze towards the pastor. "I do." Divinity breathed, wincing at her ignorance. Perhaps if she had had known the true intentions of Damon’s heart sooner she wouldn't be standing here. She looked up slowly to Damon to see her words had only broadened his malicious smile.
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Irma sadly looked to the ground when Divinity said "I do." She had never disliked a man as much as she did right at this moment. For he now had power he didn't deserve over hundreds of people, including her, and even the Queen. But she knew with all of the history she had read, that when people were ruled by a king they didn't agree with, it usually didn't end so well for the King sooner or later.
Zahir let his eyes wander over the crowd briefly while maintaining composure. He made a mental note of all the conflicted emotions running through some of the crowd, while others were completely oblivious to their fate. A half grin tugged at one corner of his mouth. He was ready to salute as the bride and groom were to make their way down the isle together as husband and wife for the first time.
Irma sadly looked to the ground when Divinity said "I do." She had never disliked a man as much as she did right at this moment. For he now had power he didn't deserve over hundreds of people, including her, and even the Queen. But she knew with all of the history she had read, that when people were ruled by a king they didn't agree with, it usually didn't end so well for the King sooner or later.

Divinity turned away from Damon as he went to kiss her. After a few silent moments she looked back to see Damon only a few inches from her face. "I'm sorry, I can't do this." Divinity whispered to the crowd, face suddenly flushed, as she turned and fled down the isle, lifting her skirt so that she could run faster.
Divinity turned away from Damon as he went to kiss her. After a few silent moments she looked back to see Damon only a few inches from her face. "I'm sorry, I can't do this." Divinity whispered to the crowd, face suddenly flushed, as she turned and fled down the isle, lifting her skirt so that she could run faster.
Irma looked to Divinity as she left, half relieved, half worried, and extremely surprised. She silently ran after her, mostly because she was worried for Divinity, and also because she had no idea how Damon would react and was frankly scared.

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