○○○Mother hens of byc○○○


9 Years
Jun 12, 2010
New Mexico(yes its in the USA)

Banner made by girlychick

Hello welcome to the mother hens of byc!
I hope we get many members here and that I have a successful club!

How we got our name: I was really worried about my chicks they were hurt by the older ones and I was just looking at other peoples threads and thought oh my gosh were all like mother hens! Then it was like those moments in the cartoons when the light bulb goes on! I knew that would be the name of the club. By the way all boy members are welcome to...you can be the rooster fathers or something xD don't worry everyones welcome!

Important notice on sign up: Okay in case you wondering how to sign up just PM me and say what you'd like your title to be it will be the ____ mother hen if your a boy well...its still gonna be mother hen xD I am the paranoid hen I feel that title best describes how I am with my chickens beeeeeelive me! and whatever color you'd like it to be, some colors aren't available on BYC but I think I can get most of them if not I can use color codes.

This is the perfect place to post if your looking to chat about your chickens or just talk about anything! and hopefully a great place to meet friends! We each have titles. I know I said this before but I just wanna make sure you remember, we will all have a name like the ________ hen mine is the paranoid hen. If your new please look at the names because we each have unique names and I'd rather not have people with the same names. Please join!

I'm looking for someone to make a banner or give me a picture of a hen with chicks, or make one but with a picture you own because of copyright laws. So if anyone has a picture of a mother hen or something please post it thank you! And we can always have more then one banner. So if you see ours bellow don't be shy I'd like to have several banners.


I am currently working on making an avatar for all of the mother hens of byc when I am finished making it you may use it as your avatar, but its not a requirement. I am also making a little logo that may also be used as an avatar, but I will just put it on the bottom of the main post which is this post

people with orange names either chose that color or have not decided on there color

Girlychick ~ the paranoid hen
Leia's Chickens~the creative hen co-leader
Awesomefowl~the Operatic Hen
miss heny~The guinea pig loving hen
bufforp89~the anxious hen
chickensrock9~The evil hen
EE Lover
~the almost a master chef hen

the artistic hen~animalloverabh
Afrochicken~The smiley hen
little blue~the awsome hen
bella1210~the black hen
Gerbil~name not decided
michaelmay26~the boy hen
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um can it be white?

Yeah but it won't really show I can make it something like a light pink which almost looks white here are the examples of the two

White color

light pink


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