~●~ Survival Shift ~●~ A Survival Role Play!

"Sure." Olivia shrugged and stood up.
Caroline howled again.

Jack touched the bottom. Something shiny was underneath. He grabbed it. It looked like a medallion from underwater. He swam back up, quickly.
Elijah took it and pulled himself up.

Cole put his hand in her lap.
Maya looked over at Mark. "Sorry. Could I help?" She asked softly.
Ari blinked and looked at his hand then to his face. After a moment she moved to kiss his cheek again

"Just get your other fish, I got this" Mark said and grinned at her
Quote: "I got worried." Caroline replied.
Olivia looked over at Dylan. "Just do what you did, right?"

Before letting go Feuer wanted to make sure he could stand on his own. When Jack surfaced Tachyon said,"Oh there you are!"

Jack was staring at the medallion.
Elijah didn't let go of her.
"I got worried." Caroline replied.
Olivia looked over at Dylan. "Just do what you did, right?"

Jack was staring at the medallion. 
Elijah didn't let go of her.

Feuer held his hand with her left hand and put her right hand in his right shoulder and said,"You ok? I won't let you fall."She smiled.
"What's that?"said Tachyon she swam closer to him.
"Okay." Olivia nodded and posed herself at the water.
Caroline squeezed him back, her lips brushing his cheek.

(The weapon, and the clothes and tools on their backs.)

"I'm thinking a Medallion. But I don't see anything more that a picture of a chicken." Jack replied, looking confused.
Elijah smiled softly. "I'm okay. Thanks."
Tyler smiled as he kissed her forehead," C'mon we should get back" he said and took her hand.
Dylan went into the water.

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