♘ SkyHerd ♘ A Wild Horse ℛoleplay

Name of horse: Aleksandrina (or Alex)
Sex: Female
Herd: Rouge (But can join a herd if wanted or after some time being a rouge)
Age: 8
Appearance (markings, body type, height, etc. Must be a true color.): Slim body with spots on body, Deep Brown eyes and around average horse size.
Personality: Kind, Smart, Calm, out-going all and all a well kind horse (unless pushed around to much)
History: Was formerly owned by humans until they died making it so a new family moved in and took her in. The kids were to rough for her that she ran away and they gave up on finding her. She has been living on her own as a rouge for 3 years and has dealt with bad weather and hostile animals on her own.
Relatives: None


BYC username: Skyler 612

This is also if you are still doing this and if you are thank you. :)

Ω Background Ω

It all starts when a mare goes into estrus in spring. If they are in a herd, the lead stallion will breed with them and keep them protected from other stallions. If they happen to be rogues, they will often be herded away by bachelor stallions. Bachelor stallions may also come into herds to snake mares for themselves. Even lead stallions will take mares from other herds. This time of the year is that important; stallions want to spread their genes and collect their 'trophies', they feel as if that's their purpose. Eleven to twelve months later, next spring, the mares will give birth and the whole cycle starts over again, as mares go into heat several days after foaling. Once a foal is born, its mother will begin to lick it off, and the foal will try to stand. Foals need to be able to stand quickly in order to run from predators. If a foal is weak stallions will usually try to put it out of its misery. Around six months of age, foals are weaned from their mothers, and at two they are able to reproduce. The colts, and usually some fillies, are driven out of the herd to decrease the chance of inbreeding and to keep the colts away from the mares. The colts either join with other lone stallions to create bachelor herds, snake mares with these bachelor herds or alone, create herds, or live a lonely life of mischief. Fillies are usually taken away by stallions.

SkyHerd, as well as the neighboring FireHerd and WindHerd, are located in the Steens Mountains of southern Oregon state. The area is compromised mainly of rocky cliffs, canyons, and hills, as well as grassy plains and a prosperous ecosystem. The summers are dry, very different from the rest of the state, while the winters are cold, long, and unforgiving. The BLM (Bureau of Land Management) maintains this land, and people love to visit for hiking, hunting, biking, camping, bathing in the hot springs, and so forth. The Mustangs of the three main herds are typically shy when it comes to humans and prefer not to stray away from each other when they come close, especially due to yearly round-ups that result in separation, adoptions, and health check-ups.

Ω Terms to Recognize Ω

Stallion - An uncastrated male horse
Mare - A female horse
Foal - A horse from the time it's born to a year old regardless of sex
Colt - A male horse under the age of five
Filly - A female horse under the age of five
Yearling - A horse of either sex aged one to four years old
Lead Stallion - The stallion who is in charge of his herd. He is usually the only stallion in his herd and the protector of the mares.
Lead Mare - The leading mare of the herd. She is the most dominant mare and/or the stallion's favorite mare. She is in charge of moving the herd to new bodies of water, areas abundant with food, safer strips of land, and many more; as well as watching over the others. It has been suggested that she has more rule over the herd than the lead stallion.
Snaking - When a stallion herds away a mare. He lowers his head, pins back his ears, occasionally bites or kicks at her, and chases her where he wants her to go. This is usually used when a stallion steals a mare who already is a part of a herd. They can be gentler, however. Some start by flirting with the mares. They arch their necks and nudge them where they would like to have them go to.
Nomads/Rogues - Horses who do not have permanent territory. They move place to place, anywhere from by the seasons to each day. Some live alone and are considered rogues while others are in nomadic herds.
Mustang - The breed of horse that frequents the Steens Mountains and other areas of the western United States. All horses of SkyHerd, FireHerd, and WindHerd are Mustangs. Runaways are rare, but not unheard of.

Ω Rules Ω

*All BYC rules apply.
*This thread is rated PG-13 at the very most. There is some gore and violence, and horses do breed. Just don't go into detail. Say something along the lines of "he mounted her" or "they bred" or "she's pregnant", and you'll be good.
*Be realistic. Herds do not usually contain stallions other than the lead stallion and occasionally one that occupies the outskirts of the territory, no god modding, most stallions are dominant and do no have just a single mate, Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus are prohibited, etc.
*Only one blow per post.
*If your character happens to have an important rank and you do not RP him/her after a week, s/he will be deleted unless stated otherwise.
*Yes, all of these horses are Mustangs. Gypsy Vanners, Arabians, Missouri Fox Trotters, Thoroughbreds, etc. do not occur in the wild. I may accept an occasional runaway, however, but this is pretty unlikely.
*Try not to throw one-liners. I understand that it is sometimes unavoidable, but when you can, be creative. That's the fun of roleplaying and writing.
*Please use proper grammar, too. English isn't everybody's first language, I know, but do your best. To roleplay with someone who uses nothing but text talk gets pretty annoying after a while.
*I'm not the supreme overlord of this thread, what I say does not go 24/7. That being said, I am open to suggestions and want to make this RP fair and enjoyable for all parties involved. The only thing that I do ask of you during a disagreement, however, is that you remain polite and mature. Whining is not fun to deal with; neither is fighting.

Ω Joining Forms Ω

You may leave these in the comments or PM them to me. Whichever you prefer.

Name of horse:
Herd: WindHerd
Age: 3
Appearance (markings, body type, height, etc. Must be a true color.): Full Black + White Star On Face
Personality: Sassy, Strong, Brave, Confident
History: Use To Be A Lone Mare Until I was Stolen
Relatives: In Another Herd

BYC username: Star Streamer

All categories are required save for 'relatives', 'other', and 'picture'.

Ω Characters, Herd Information, Announcements, etc. Ω

That all can be found here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/...haracters-announcements-and-other-information

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any images that may be seen on this page or any of the above links, credit goes to their rightful owners. I am also not liable for those who steal images and/or claim them as theirs in the name of this roleplay game. Credit also goes for DutchGirl for creating this roleplay a number of years ago. Thank you.
Name of horse:cougar
Herd:shadow herd
Appearance (markings, body type, height, etc. Must be a true color.)my height is 5.7,my color is white, is a friesian,has Amber eyes
Personality:fun, happy, lovable, and nice
History:mom and dad died and needs a herd
Relatives:none that lives
BYC username:moonlight and shadow
May I please join
Name of horse: Dove
Sex: Filly
Herd: loner
Age: yearling
Appearance (markings, body type, height, etc. Must be a true color.): Dun
Personality: Sweet, but not easily trusting
History: She was separated from her stallion and dam in a prairie fire
Relatives: none

BYC username:Hengirl12
Can I still join?
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