♥~*~Twilighterz *Official* Thread~*~♥


but. harry potter. is. better. quality. period.


1. There's this thing, we call it a plot. Harry Potter has one, Twilight does not.
There are many twists and turns that capture your interest and keep you
guessing. Twilight, on the other hand, is utterly boring and predictable.
3. The main characters actually have personalities.
Even though they're wizards, the characters are easy to relate to. They
have actual flaws and problems. It is really hard to relate to a
character that is absolutely perfect aside from his one flaw of being a
blood-thirsty, abusive, sparkling vampire.
5. J.K Rowling isn't being sued for plagiarism.
6. It has depth and layers. In short, people don't just read it for the hot guys.
7. Small details that don't seem important at the beginning of the series become important at the end of the series.
8. Most of the plot holes (or the major ones any way) were tied up by the end of the seventh book.
9. J.K Rowling doesn't contradict/break every rule she made.
10. The books were actually thought out from the very beginning, so everything tied together neatly.
11. Consistency is key in a series of books.
You can actually learn something worth-while from Harry Potter. I can't
say I really learned any important life lessons from Twilight. Not
honestly, anyway.
13. Because books should allow you to use your
imagination to fill in the blanks, rather than describe everything to
you every five pages.
14. SMeyer thinks her readers are too dumb to
understand what's in the book and has to explain everything thoroughly,
over and over again. J.K Rowling allows the readers to think for
themselves so that they can actually learn.
15. Because when J.K Rowling uses big words, she uses them right, and in the proper context.
16. In order to write any fantasy stories, research is needed.
Because J.K Rowling created a whole new world for the readers to get
lost in, rather than throwing magical creatures into the real world.
18. J.K Rowling included many magical creatures in her story that are far more realistic than a sparkling vampire.
19. Not all of the villains were defeated in seconds, like they are in Twilight.
Harry has actual problems. Tons of them. But does he spend 300 pages
Stephenie Meyer and moaning about them? No! He actually does something
to try and solve them.
21. Because when Harry and Ginny broke up, neither of them attempted suicide.
Because you can read the books over and over again, and pick up things
you missed. I don't need to read Twilight again, it was so repetitive,
I doubt I missed anything.
23. Because I find a boy wizard with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead brandishing a stick to be much
more believable than a vampire that sparkles in the sunlight.
24. When J.K Rowling adds a mythical creature into her books that are supposed to be scary, SHE ACTUALLY MAKES THEM SCARY. Stephenie Meyer makes vampires look like fluffy little bunny rabbits.
25. If J.K Rowling wrote that baboons were secretly wizards in hiding, I would believe it.
26. J.K Rowling can actually write a story that draws readers in, rather than put them to sleep.
27. Because J.K Rowling actually has an editor.
When J.K Rowling writes a character's back story, it actually has some thought put into it and gives you a better understanding of the
character. She will bring it up multiple times and add to it, rather
than just mention it once and leave it. Example: MOST of HBP is
dedicated to Voldemort's back story.
29. J.K Rowling will not insult
fantasy writers by completely twisting the myths. She will take what
has been written previously, add to it, maybe twist it a little but
keep the same general idea.
30. Because SMeyer brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "rules are meant to be broken". And not in a good way.
Because, though the series started out as a kids book, J.K Rowling realized that her readers weren't eight years old anymore, and she
adapted the books so that they grew with the readers.
32. Because
there is actually character development in the series. By the end of
Breaking Dawn, the characters were still as annoying as they were at
the beginning of Twilight.
33. J.K Rowling actually put thought into her characters names instead of choosing common names.
34. Renesmee Cullen? Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore laughs in his grave.
Harry is modest. When everyone is fawning over him because he's famous,
he wishes they would stop. He's never looking for better friends than
Ron and Hermione, he's perfectly happy with them. Bella on the other
hand is only happy if the Cullen's will except her as a friend and will
completely ignore anyone else.
36. Because when Harry broke up with Cho, we didn't get six blank pages of nothing while he broods about it.
37. Because when Harry hates someone, he actually has a reason for it and therefore, we can't help but hate them, too.
38. Because it doesn't dwell on a persons looks.
39. Because even Dumbledore will admit that he's not perfect.
40. Because the romance isn't shoved in your face and obvious.
41. It is subtly complex and allows you to think for yourself.
42. The relationships were subtly hinted at and grew throughout the series. Example: Ron and Hermione.
J.K Rowling will actually take time to write an intriguing summary,
rather than copy and paste a snippet that gives the entire plot away.
44. Because it actually has themes that don't contradict themselves.
Because the books started out happier, but then got darker and darker
as Voldemort gets more powerful and Harry realizes what he's up against.
46. Because everything ties together and makes sense
The foreshadowing is subtle enough that you won't guess exactly what's
going to happen, yet not too subtle that you think nothing is happening.
48. Over ten years later and people are still reading the books.
49. "The words aren't always perfect" does not apply in the Harry Potter universe.
50. Even Stephen King thinks J.K Rowling is the better author.
51. Quantity does not always equal quality. The Twilight series could have been ended in one book.
52. Notice how there's no http://www.harrypottersucks.com.
J.K Rowling assumes that we understand what she is saying and doesn't
find it necessary to describe what Harry looks like every two pages.
J.K Rowling didn't realize how big her fandom was until after she'd
written the final book, in which she did a Google search on Harry
Potter and it blew her mind. Stephenie Metey admitted that Twilight was
only supposed to be one book but continued writting because it was so
55. Because lots of time and effort was put into the books, they were not just pulled out of someone's Seth in a few months.
Harry is noble, heroic and selfless. He is willing to risk his life for
people he doesn't know or doesn't like. Example: Draco Malfoy in the
Room of Requirement. He's a hero we can all be proud of.
57. The
main female character, Hermione, is not weak, she does not rely on a
man to help her and she doesn't complain about everything that happens.
She is smart, brave, loyal and spends half the series bailing Harry and
Ron out of trouble.
58. Even for all of her good traits, Hermione
has her flaws. She has a fiery temper and it often gets the better of
her (her many fights with Ron). And she has
messed up before (she failed the practical Defense exam in third year,
and allowed a Death Eater to grab ahold of her while apparating in
Deathly Hallows). But even with her flaws, she is a girl we can be
proud of. Bella is not.
59. When J.K Rowling uses a plot device, she
uses something believable and affects the plot substantially. SMeyer
uses plot devices that destroy her own canon *cough*Renesmee*cough*.
60. Because the jokes in Harry Potter aren't completely made up of sexual innuendos like they are in Twilight.
Because you can create a deep, personal connection with the characters
in Harry Potter. Personally, I've formed better connections with rocks than I have with any of the Twilight characters.
The love that Lily had for Harry was touching and powerful. She gave up
her life to save him, rather than because he died/didn't love her.
Edward and Bella's "love" pales dramatically in comparison to this kind
of love.
63. Because, rather than spending 100 pages describing what
someone looks like, J.K Rowling actually works on creating a
personality for her characters.
64. J.K Rowling isn't afraid of killing off main characters - even if she did cry whilst writing it.
Harry is kind to even the smallest of magically creatures. When Dobby
died, he dug the grave by hand instead of with magic as a tribute to
the hardwork that Dobby devoted his life to doing. Edward Cullen looks
down on humans because they aren't the perfect sparkly bits of fluff
that he is.
66. Harry is infinitely loyal to all of his friends,
even if they aren't popular. Example: In the sixth book on the train
ride to Hogwarts Romilda Vane comes and invites Harry to join her and
her friends in their compartment saying that he doesn't have to sit with Neville and Luna. He refuses saying, "they're my friends. Bella left her human friends for the Cullens at first chance.
Harry actually had to work to succeed. Bella got everything she wanted
handed to her on a silver platter. She didn't have to work for
anything. This gives a bad example to people everywhere.
68. Because
the characters in Harry Potter have at least some sort of affect
towards the plot. They aren't just there for the sake of being there.
69. Because J.K Rowling doesn't try to explain things away with science. And fail at it.
Because, rather than making everyone "perfect", there is a variation in
the characters' looks. Not everyone is "ZOMG SOO HAWT!!!!!!!!!!!!".
There are the cutie pies, like Dean Thomas, and Neville, who's cute in
that awkward, dorky way. It makes the characters seem more real.
Because the characters in Harry Potter are willing to die for each other, and some have. The Final Battle is proof that many of the
students at Hogwarts would die to save Harry. The Cullen's probably
wouldn't do the same thing, not that they were ever put in a situation
that called for them to.
72. J.K Rowling follows the rules of "show don't tell".
73. No thesaurus' were harmed in the making of Harry Potter.
To the best of my knowledge, Harry Potter has not ruined some of
people's favorite things. Example: music. A lot of people's favorite
bands have been destroyed because they were mentioned/had a song on the
soundtrack and the Twitards have made it overly popular because of this.
75. It's a story that I would actually want
to read to my kids as a bedtime story. I wouldn't let my kids near
Twilight if they were still at the age in which I had to read to them
so they could fall asleep. Especially not Breaking Dawn.
76. I don't
think anyone has ever made alternate titles to the anything in the
Harry Potter books. Example: Breaking Fail, The Demon Spawn, Renespawn.
And many, many more.
77. Because The Harry Potter books actually have enough content for a full length movie.
While fantasy stories are supposed to be impossible in comparison to
real life, Twilight takes "impossible" to a whole new level.
79. Because I like my books to have actual substance, thanks.
In all my years of reading Harry Potter, I have never had to close the
book, put it down and walk away shaking my head like I did with
Twilight *cough*Sparkle scene*cough*
81. Harry Potter shows that immortality isn't everything. Twilight shows that if you aren't immortal, you aren't worth carp.
82. I never -face-palmed- while reading Harry Potter. Ever.
83. Because no one in Harry Potter ever complained about carp weather. Even if it meant that the Dementors were breeding.
Because Dobby the House-Elf would make a better boyfriend than Edward
Cullen. He listens to you, is loyal and brave, and would do anything to help you.
85. Because J.K Rowling creates actually conflict in the series that aren't solved as easily as snapping your fingers.
Because if when J.K Rowling has a battle scene at the end of a book,
dammit it will have climax. -Is totally NOT referring to that epic fail
of a fight scene at the end of Breaking Dawn-
87. After reading the final Harry Potter book, you are not left with more questions than answers.
J.K Rowling can find a less cliche way of ending a series than, "and we
walked into our perfect piece of forever" or whatever SMeyer wrote.
A hobby. Bella needs to get one. Harry and Ron have Quidditch, Hermione
reads and studies. All Bella does is obsess over Edward, which makes
for a very boring book.
90. Twilight is drawn out way too far. J.K
Rowling proved that some young adult books should be over 700 pages
long. Stephenie Meyer proved that some shouldn't be.
Because the hard work and dedication that J.K Rowling put into the
series was evident. That Twilight lacked these two factors, was evident.
If J.K Rowling wrote a fight scene in which one character kills
another, the person who's point of view we're reading in would not
black out leaving us utterly clueless as to what's going on.
93. Harry Potter would not try to pass of stalking, pedophilia, and abuse as "true love".
Because rebelling against The Dark Lord and his Death Eaters as he
rises to power makes for a better plot than anything SMeyer could
possibly write.
95. Even the bad guys are kind of likable, because
they have depth and layers that you will never find in Twilight's
characters. They're interesting.
96. It keeps you guessing. Example:
Snape. No one but J.K really knew where his loyalties truly lied until
one of the very last chapters of the last book.
97. Because if J.K Rowling gives a character a weird name, the names meaning reflects the character, instead of being stupid.
98. Harry Potter has a complex plot with many twists and turns. Twilight is bland.
99. Harry Potter may be repetitive with the main plot. But that's what makes it consistent. It also has many sub-plots that vary book-to-book.
Many people say that the Cullen's are great because they are hot and
rich. You know what I have to say to this? The Weasleys'. They may not
be rich or well dressed. Yeah, they're clothes and books are second
hand. But they have love. And really, what more could you want? Mrs. Weasley actually killed
Bellatrix for trying to kill Ginny. They are kind, loving and treat
everyone as another member of the family. The Weasleys' totally pwn the Cullen's.

...I am utterly speechless.

1. There's this thing, we call it a plot. Harry Potter has one, Twilight does not.
There are many twists and turns that capture your interest and keep you
guessing. Twilight, on the other hand, is utterly boring and predictable.
3. The main characters actually have personalities.
Even though they're wizards, the characters are easy to relate to. They
have actual flaws and problems. It is really hard to relate to a
character that is absolutely perfect aside from his one flaw of being a
blood-thirsty, abusive, sparkling vampire.
5. J.K Rowling isn't being sued for plagiarism.
6. It has depth and layers. In short, people don't just read it for the hot guys.
7. Small details that don't seem important at the beginning of the series become important at the end of the series.
8. Most of the plot holes (or the major ones any way) were tied up by the end of the seventh book.
9. J.K Rowling doesn't contradict/break every rule she made.
10. The books were actually thought out from the very beginning, so everything tied together neatly.
11. Consistency is key in a series of books.
You can actually learn something worth-while from Harry Potter. I can't
say I really learned any important life lessons from Twilight. Not
honestly, anyway.
13. Because books should allow you to use your
imagination to fill in the blanks, rather than describe everything to
you every five pages.
14. SMeyer thinks her readers are too dumb to
understand what's in the book and has to explain everything thoroughly,
over and over again. J.K Rowling allows the readers to think for
themselves so that they can actually learn.
15. Because when J.K Rowling uses big words, she uses them right, and in the proper context.
16. In order to write any fantasy stories, research is needed.
Because J.K Rowling created a whole new world for the readers to get
lost in, rather than throwing magical creatures into the real world.
18. J.K Rowling included many magical creatures in her story that are far more realistic than a sparkling vampire.
19. Not all of the villains were defeated in seconds, like they are in Twilight.
Harry has actual problems. Tons of them. But does he spend 300 pages
Stephenie Meyer and moaning about them? No! He actually does something
to try and solve them.
21. Because when Harry and Ginny broke up, neither of them attempted suicide.
Because you can read the books over and over again, and pick up things
you missed. I don't need to read Twilight again, it was so repetitive,
I doubt I missed anything.
23. Because I find a boy wizard with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead brandishing a stick to be much
more believable than a vampire that sparkles in the sunlight.
24. When J.K Rowling adds a mythical creature into her books that are supposed to be scary, SHE ACTUALLY MAKES THEM SCARY. Stephenie Meyer makes vampires look like fluffy little bunny rabbits.
25. If J.K Rowling wrote that baboons were secretly wizards in hiding, I would believe it.
26. J.K Rowling can actually write a story that draws readers in, rather than put them to sleep.
27. Because J.K Rowling actually has an editor.
When J.K Rowling writes a character's back story, it actually has some thought put into it and gives you a better understanding of the
character. She will bring it up multiple times and add to it, rather
than just mention it once and leave it. Example: MOST of HBP is
dedicated to Voldemort's back story.
29. J.K Rowling will not insult
fantasy writers by completely twisting the myths. She will take what
has been written previously, add to it, maybe twist it a little but
keep the same general idea.
30. Because SMeyer brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "rules are meant to be broken". And not in a good way.
Because, though the series started out as a kids book, J.K Rowling realized that her readers weren't eight years old anymore, and she
adapted the books so that they grew with the readers.
32. Because
there is actually character development in the series. By the end of
Breaking Dawn, the characters were still as annoying as they were at
the beginning of Twilight.
33. J.K Rowling actually put thought into her characters names instead of choosing common names.
34. Renesmee Cullen? Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore laughs in his grave.
Harry is modest. When everyone is fawning over him because he's famous,
he wishes they would stop. He's never looking for better friends than
Ron and Hermione, he's perfectly happy with them. Bella on the other
hand is only happy if the Cullen's will except her as a friend and will
completely ignore anyone else.
36. Because when Harry broke up with Cho, we didn't get six blank pages of nothing while he broods about it.
37. Because when Harry hates someone, he actually has a reason for it and therefore, we can't help but hate them, too.
38. Because it doesn't dwell on a persons looks.
39. Because even Dumbledore will admit that he's not perfect.
40. Because the romance isn't shoved in your face and obvious.
41. It is subtly complex and allows you to think for yourself.
42. The relationships were subtly hinted at and grew throughout the series. Example: Ron and Hermione.
J.K Rowling will actually take time to write an intriguing summary,
rather than copy and paste a snippet that gives the entire plot away.
44. Because it actually has themes that don't contradict themselves.
Because the books started out happier, but then got darker and darker
as Voldemort gets more powerful and Harry realizes what he's up against.
46. Because everything ties together and makes sense
The foreshadowing is subtle enough that you won't guess exactly what's
going to happen, yet not too subtle that you think nothing is happening.
48. Over ten years later and people are still reading the books.
49. "The words aren't always perfect" does not apply in the Harry Potter universe.
50. Even Stephen King thinks J.K Rowling is the better author.
51. Quantity does not always equal quality. The Twilight series could have been ended in one book.
52. Notice how there's no http://www.harrypottersucks.com.
J.K Rowling assumes that we understand what she is saying and doesn't
find it necessary to describe what Harry looks like every two pages.
J.K Rowling didn't realize how big her fandom was until after she'd
written the final book, in which she did a Google search on Harry
Potter and it blew her mind. Stephenie Metey admitted that Twilight was
only supposed to be one book but continued writting because it was so
55. Because lots of time and effort was put into the books, they were not just pulled out of someone's Seth in a few months.
Harry is noble, heroic and selfless. He is willing to risk his life for
people he doesn't know or doesn't like. Example: Draco Malfoy in the
Room of Requirement. He's a hero we can all be proud of.
57. The
main female character, Hermione, is not weak, she does not rely on a
man to help her and she doesn't complain about everything that happens.
She is smart, brave, loyal and spends half the series bailing Harry and
Ron out of trouble.
58. Even for all of her good traits, Hermione
has her flaws. She has a fiery temper and it often gets the better of
her (her many fights with Ron). And she has
messed up before (she failed the practical Defense exam in third year,
and allowed a Death Eater to grab ahold of her while apparating in
Deathly Hallows). But even with her flaws, she is a girl we can be
proud of. Bella is not.
59. When J.K Rowling uses a plot device, she
uses something believable and affects the plot substantially. SMeyer
uses plot devices that destroy her own canon *cough*Renesmee*cough*.
60. Because the jokes in Harry Potter aren't completely made up of sexual innuendos like they are in Twilight.
Because you can create a deep, personal connection with the characters
in Harry Potter. Personally, I've formed better connections with rocks than I have with any of the Twilight characters.
The love that Lily had for Harry was touching and powerful. She gave up
her life to save him, rather than because he died/didn't love her.
Edward and Bella's "love" pales dramatically in comparison to this kind
of love.
63. Because, rather than spending 100 pages describing what
someone looks like, J.K Rowling actually works on creating a
personality for her characters.
64. J.K Rowling isn't afraid of killing off main characters - even if she did cry whilst writing it.
Harry is kind to even the smallest of magically creatures. When Dobby
died, he dug the grave by hand instead of with magic as a tribute to
the hardwork that Dobby devoted his life to doing. Edward Cullen looks
down on humans because they aren't the perfect sparkly bits of fluff
that he is.
66. Harry is infinitely loyal to all of his friends,
even if they aren't popular. Example: In the sixth book on the train
ride to Hogwarts Romilda Vane comes and invites Harry to join her and
her friends in their compartment saying that he doesn't have to sit with Neville and Luna. He refuses saying, "they're my friends. Bella left her human friends for the Cullens at first chance.
Harry actually had to work to succeed. Bella got everything she wanted
handed to her on a silver platter. She didn't have to work for
anything. This gives a bad example to people everywhere.
68. Because
the characters in Harry Potter have at least some sort of affect
towards the plot. They aren't just there for the sake of being there.
69. Because J.K Rowling doesn't try to explain things away with science. And fail at it.
Because, rather than making everyone "perfect", there is a variation in
the characters' looks. Not everyone is "ZOMG SOO HAWT!!!!!!!!!!!!".
There are the cutie pies, like Dean Thomas, and Neville, who's cute in
that awkward, dorky way. It makes the characters seem more real.
Because the characters in Harry Potter are willing to die for each other, and some have. The Final Battle is proof that many of the
students at Hogwarts would die to save Harry. The Cullen's probably
wouldn't do the same thing, not that they were ever put in a situation
that called for them to.
72. J.K Rowling follows the rules of "show don't tell".
73. No thesaurus' were harmed in the making of Harry Potter.
To the best of my knowledge, Harry Potter has not ruined some of
people's favorite things. Example: music. A lot of people's favorite
bands have been destroyed because they were mentioned/had a song on the
soundtrack and the Twitards have made it overly popular because of this.
75. It's a story that I would actually want
to read to my kids as a bedtime story. I wouldn't let my kids near
Twilight if they were still at the age in which I had to read to them
so they could fall asleep. Especially not Breaking Dawn.
76. I don't
think anyone has ever made alternate titles to the anything in the
Harry Potter books. Example: Breaking Fail, The Demon Spawn, Renespawn.
And many, many more.
77. Because The Harry Potter books actually have enough content for a full length movie.
While fantasy stories are supposed to be impossible in comparison to
real life, Twilight takes "impossible" to a whole new level.
79. Because I like my books to have actual substance, thanks.
In all my years of reading Harry Potter, I have never had to close the
book, put it down and walk away shaking my head like I did with
Twilight *cough*Sparkle scene*cough*
81. Harry Potter shows that immortality isn't everything. Twilight shows that if you aren't immortal, you aren't worth carp.
82. I never -face-palmed- while reading Harry Potter. Ever.
83. Because no one in Harry Potter ever complained about carp weather. Even if it meant that the Dementors were breeding.
Because Dobby the House-Elf would make a better boyfriend than Edward
Cullen. He listens to you, is loyal and brave, and would do anything to help you.
85. Because J.K Rowling creates actually conflict in the series that aren't solved as easily as snapping your fingers.
Because if when J.K Rowling has a battle scene at the end of a book,
dammit it will have climax. -Is totally NOT referring to that epic fail
of a fight scene at the end of Breaking Dawn-
87. After reading the final Harry Potter book, you are not left with more questions than answers.
J.K Rowling can find a less cliche way of ending a series than, "and we
walked into our perfect piece of forever" or whatever SMeyer wrote.
A hobby. Bella needs to get one. Harry and Ron have Quidditch, Hermione
reads and studies. All Bella does is obsess over Edward, which makes
for a very boring book.
90. Twilight is drawn out way too far. J.K
Rowling proved that some young adult books should be over 700 pages
long. Stephenie Meyer proved that some shouldn't be.
Because the hard work and dedication that J.K Rowling put into the
series was evident. That Twilight lacked these two factors, was evident.
If J.K Rowling wrote a fight scene in which one character kills
another, the person who's point of view we're reading in would not
black out leaving us utterly clueless as to what's going on.
93. Harry Potter would not try to pass of stalking, pedophilia, and abuse as "true love".
Because rebelling against The Dark Lord and his Death Eaters as he
rises to power makes for a better plot than anything SMeyer could
possibly write.
95. Even the bad guys are kind of likable, because
they have depth and layers that you will never find in Twilight's
characters. They're interesting.
96. It keeps you guessing. Example:
Snape. No one but J.K really knew where his loyalties truly lied until
one of the very last chapters of the last book.
97. Because if J.K Rowling gives a character a weird name, the names meaning reflects the character, instead of being stupid.
98. Harry Potter has a complex plot with many twists and turns. Twilight is bland.
99. Harry Potter may be repetitive with the main plot. But that's what makes it consistent. It also has many sub-plots that vary book-to-book.
Many people say that the Cullen's are great because they are hot and
rich. You know what I have to say to this? The Weasleys'. They may not
be rich or well dressed. Yeah, they're clothes and books are second
hand. But they have love. And really, what more could you want? Mrs. Weasley actually killed
Bellatrix for trying to kill Ginny. They are kind, loving and treat
everyone as another member of the family. The Weasleys' totally pwn the Cullen's.

Im really looking forward to how they pull off the love sceens when their on the island together...I hope they dont water it down so much that it looses its power...

oh and love the trailer... thaks for posting the link to you tube for it..

some of that stuff is soooooo not true, for examp., all the charectors (sp?) do have personalities, twilight is very intrest capturing, not many people "just read it for the hot guys", reserch is not needed to write fantasies UNLESS YOU HAVE NO IMAGINATION. Victoria was not defeated in seconds, it took 3 books befor she was. I dont know whats more realistic, a dimond vampire or a fireslug or pixie i cant decide, seriously. harry and ginny must not have loved eachother because they broke up, bella still loved edward and edward left bella to help her. i have to go

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